in #life7 years ago

For couples who have kids, sneaking in a “quickie” can often be damn near impossible, so as all of you who have little ones will know, you grab the opportunities with both hands hahaha!
It is inevitable that 99% of us will get “busted” by our kids at least once - and the other day was our turn! Having to “think on your feet” would be the understatement of the year, and I didn’t do a good job at all! Haha!

In fact, my excuse for what my 4 year old had semi-witnessed in the light of dawn, whilst rubbing the sleep from his eyes, was so utterly pathetic, I cannot help but laugh at it!

“Mommy, why was D pushing on you?”
“He had a sore leg my baby and I was trying to make the pain go away”.
“But then why were you going ooh aah mommy?”
“Because my muscles aren’t big like yours my baby and I wasn’t strong enough to rub the knot out of D’s leg…. Here look baby… your cartoons are on”
“Mommy, please can I have my cereal now”

Not a particularly good save – but I think I might just have scraped through with an “E” haha! – Although I have some serious fears that the incident will soon be publically announced to his teachers or friends from school at some point in the near future. Lol!

And we all know just how GOOD our little ones are, at DESCRIBING things in such a way that they sound SO much worse than they actually were! Lol

Well, I am a firm believer in the “everything happens to you in order for you to learn something” and in this instance, the lesson is unquestionably that we need to start locking the bedroom door when its “quickie time”. Haha!

​What would life be without all the little oopsies! At least this one wasn’t as embarrassing as being walked in on by my mother! Hehe!

Ill be sure to remind him at his 30th of his inability to be fooled as a little boy. hehe


I love this. Motherhood is a crazy, messy, beautiful thing.

Hehe isnt it just. Thank you for the feedback it is always greatly aplreciated xxx

This may sound #RADICAL but why not just tell him? I mean from my experience if a kids above 6-7 they're going to know for-sure what was going on there.
4 maybe not, but hey, it'd probably be less stressful to simply be honest!

lol I hear you - telling him isnt the issue... its the aftermath... you know - when they go to preschool and tell their teachers and everyone else, and believe me - they might not remember anything they learned for the day (apparently...) but they will very conveniently remember EVERY word you said to them about whatever inappropriate situation... and quite frankly, I could do without all the raised eyebrows from teachers, parents and more. lol I have enough to deal with... haha...

A fib was a lot easier... lol

It was over and forgotten :D

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