HAPPY HIPPIE QUOTES #46 - OPTIMISMsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Happy Hippie.jpg

“Your determination to become a more optimistic person in every part of your life will do more to ensure your success and happiness than any other single quality you can develop.” — Brian Tracy

It is not always easy to retain optimism in certain situations, but let's be honest - what is the point of being anything other than positive? None of the negative emotional states do anything to help us, so we might as well put them to one side and do the opposite.

When you are in the middle of something that is either stressing you out or bringing you down - focusing on something positive actually diffuses and reduces the negative emotion that you are experiencing - this is fact! And not only that - but the more you set your mind onto the positive things - the more you will start noticing.

Optimism is an active practice. Yes we can be naturally optimistic about certain things like your marriage or job but it is in the "not so easy" situations that we really learn the art of becoming a truly optimistic person. This is where the challenge lies - but... practice makes perfect :)

So the next time that you find yourself approaching a situation with a ngeative or pessimistic attitude... stop yourself and look for the silver lining instead!

You won't regret it!



People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily! – Zig Ziglar

I am a total sucker for anything motivational and/or inspirational, I often spend a good amount of time browsing quotes online to share with followers on various other platforms so I figured why not make it a daily habit here on Steemit too :)

Despite the fact that I am a complete and utter tech junkie and I love so much about our modern world - (yes, there is a lot that I DON’T like as well… but keep up people… this is a happy hippy post), I have often considered the fact that I might have been born in the wrong era.

I have an insatiable love for anything 60’s!

So here I sit - in the 21st century, perhaps minus the bell bottoms but definitely not without the happy spirit, excessive array of colour (everywhere) and juuuuust a few gadgets to boot…he he!

Welcome to…


Until next time…

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Nice quotes, and to know you

Wonderful post @jaynie .

Thank you xxx

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.

damn straight!!!!! ;)

Oh god! You're so hot.

hahahaha!!!! WEll that was probably THE most unexpected comment of all time! lol - I am conflicted... "downvote" or "upvote" hahahaha!!!

Sorry I forgot what I red because I was distracted by your beauty and that's why I had to wrote "you're so hot"

lol! Forgiven. Oh... and its "read" fyi ;)

Beauty with a brain <3 Thank you for correcting my mistake and I do appreciate that. So I had been forgiven and I guess maybe we can be friends here at steemit :D


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