in #life7 years ago (edited)

“I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.” ― Oscar Wilde

Since last night I have had the word EXPRESSION hammering me internally. It literally has NOT left me alone all day today either… I have been thinking about what it means to me, what it means to others… different kinds of expression – artistic expression, characteristic expression, vocal expression, so on and so forth…

But the one thing that has really SAT with me throughout all this internal “drumming” is how IMPORTANT expression is - in the process of personal growth and healing.

I suppose this aspect of it has voiced itself the loudest to me because of what I am finding here in this very space and place.

I am no “qualified” expert in any field other than the one which I have diplomas for (which is Graphic Design), but I decided a long time ago that I wanted to help others to find motivation and inspiration in their lives. I say I “decided” but to be honest it was more of a relentless “pulling” in that direction, with a consistently nagging inner voice telling me that I NEED to do this.

By nature I am a problem solver. I seem to have an ability to “see through the crap” and find the light at the end of the tunnel, when many others often get stifled by the journey itself.

My ACCEPTANCE of this “gift” and/or “ability” which I have been blessed with and my EMBRACING it, is largely what I am referring to here when I say I want to talk about “EXPRESSION”. Expression is a form of release. It is a natural part of life (well it should be).

It is why I started writing. Writing about my experiences, my challenges, my life how I have found my way “through” everything and within this I have discovered that not only have I been healing myself but my stories have also resonated with many others – offering them perspective which they did not seem to have before.

It has taken me a LONG time to get here.

This has been building and brewing for years, but obviously the timing was never right, so whatever endeavour I was testing the waters with at the time, never really came to fruition. It gave me a little more experience each time and gradually led me to where I am now.

I am an incredibly GUT driven individual. I trust EMPHATICALLY what my soul tells me and as I sit here now, I can honestly say that I can feel it through my entire being that “the time has come”. (I wonder if that even makes any sense to anyone other than me… hehehe)

Irrespective… my point being…

Reaching a point in your life where expressing your “internal self”, outwardly and comfortably is a wonderful place to reach.

There is a song that springs to mind… “After midnight, we’re gonna let it all hang out”

I view this from a perspective of symbolism – in as much as when we reach a certain stage (and age) in our lives, we let go. We become ourselves and anything other than being true to that is no longer relevant!

Have you ever noticed how people who are 40 years and older are far less inclined to give a toss about the opinions of others – they have their character, viewpoints and perspectives on things and they are generally more than comfortable to express them regardless of the outcome. They are comfortable in their expression and in their skin.

They are REAL.

Madonna said it best… “Express yourself” hehehe…

“If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. It believes exactly what you tell it—through the words you use to describe yourself, the actions you take to care for yourself, and the choices you make to express yourself. Tell the world you are one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.” ― Victoria Moran

I have reached the point in my life where being REAL outweighs any desire for approval – from anyone or anything and I am loving it! I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin in the 37 years of my life than I do right now and I want to share every facet of my journey past, present and future… with YOU!

In this sharing (and caring) we will all learn, heal and GROW together…

Another song (from my childhood) sprang to mind on that note hehe ;)

Until next time…

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Want to hear something crazy? After about half way through reading this, I fetched this video...

And upon completing the had to giggle

How disrespectfuk to go searching youtube in the middle of reading my post.... sheeesh!!!! Lol

I'm a disrespectfuk mother fukr, I'll admit that. Well played.

xpressing yourself is super important!

true story!!!!!!!! :)

love, love LOVE!!!!!! :)

This is so beautiful!!! It is so so important for all of us to express ourselves in our unique ways! Thank you for writing and spreading light and love into the world.

and thank YOU for acknowledging that xxx Much Love to you xxx

Writing really is the most wonderful form of expression, as it enables those who cannot converse or speak very well also to express themselves .. great post! 🙂

That is so accurate @ashfreqk 👌😉😎 very very well put! So glad you enjoyed the post xxx thank you for your lovely feedback 😍

I think you get to a certain age in life where the one thing you have going for yourself is that willingness to humiliate yourself in ways you would never do in your awkward younger days!

OH SO TRUE!!!! and how wonderful, isn't it!

I am running out of comments for your wonderful posts - as always enjoying it thouroughly and resteeming.

love you xxxxxxxxxxx

My favorite Oscar Wilde quote:

"I can resist everything but temptation."

It is a goodie :)

Getting better all the time!


At some point you just stop caring what other people think and start living your way! If others like it great if not, oh well! Mind over matter right? If you mind, you don't matter!

PRECISELY!!! and that is EXACTLY when everything starts going RIGHT! :)

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