Embracing Natural Expression - HAPPY FRIDAY STEEMIT!

in #life7 years ago


You've got to express yourself in life, and it's better out than in.
What you reveal, you heal. - Chris Martin


For the last little while, I have had the word EXPRESSION bobbing around my head. It has been persistently present and simply hasn’t left me alone- I have been contemplating what it means to me, aswell as what it means to other people… varying kinds of expression – artistic expression, characteristic expression, vocal expression, etc.

Although, the one thing that has truly STUCK with me during all this internal “bobbing” is how IMPERATIVE expression is - in the process of personal growth and healing. Expression is a form of release. It is a natural part of life (well it should be).

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This was precisely the reason that I started writing several years back. Writing about my experiences, my trials, my life how I have worked my way “through” everything and throughout this I have learnt that not only have I been healing myself but my stories have also rung true to many others – ultimately offering them perspective which they did not seem to have before. It has taken me many years to reach this point.

It has been brewing for years, but evidently it was just never quite the right time, so whatever undertaking I put my energies into at the time, they never really came to fruition. It gave me a little more experience each and every time and gradually led me to where I sit right now.

I am an exceptionally GUT driven person. I trust completely in what my heart and soul tells me and as I sit here in this very moment, I can truthfully say that I can feel it through my entire being that “the right time has come”. (I wonder if that even makes any sense to anyone other than me… hehehe) Regardless… my point being… Reaching a point in your life where expressing your “internal self”, outwardly and freely is a wonderful place to reach.

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To my mind, there is great symbolism in this – in as much as when we reach a certain stage (and age) in our lives, we finally let go. We become true to ourselves and anything other than being completely real is no longer of any interest to us.

Have you ever taken the time to observe how people who are fourty years and older are a lot less inclined to to give a bugger about the opinions of others – they have their character, viewpoints and perspectives on things and they are generally more than comfortable to express them regardless of the outcome. They are comfortable in their expression and in their skin. They are REAL.

I really have reached the stage in my life where being REAL far overshadows any desire for approval – from anyone or anything and I am loving it! I have never felt more content in my own skin ias I do right now. In this natural state of sharing, caring and expression - we will all learn, heal and GROW together…

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“When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.” ― Shannon L. Alder

On that note...


Hope you all have a fantabulous day!!

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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There are a lot of motivational authors that write about life and expiriences here on Sreemit and if im being honest they kind of annoy me..😕

Im one of those stubborn people that doesnt like to be told something. And many of these life coaches and motivational speakers keep on telling you stuff.

"Do this, do that, this is how you should act, how you should feel... "
I dislike that. You will rarely see me reading that stuff. But with you, its different. At the danger of sounding cheesy. 😁
You dont just tell it. You show it as well. Its probably the way you write. Which is why i keep peaking in. Hehe. Well at least thats the way i see it.

Yes. Long comment, nothing much said..
See ya. Haha. ❤

hahahahaha @silentscreamer - I really DID laugh out loud at this...

There are a lot of motivational authors that write about life and expiriences here on Sreemit and if im being honest they kind of annoy me..

hehehehe!!!! CLASSIC!

So on that basis, I will say a very big thank you, because - I do know what you mean about other motivational speakers, life coaches etc... and I NEVER want to be one of thoooooose lol!

Your honesty really made me smile and means a lot to me, thank you for that!!!!


Thanks for this post @jaynie!
Expressing myself is actually difficult for me, i have fears like being judged by other people and being rejected. But i realized one day when i looked at myself in the mirror that i need to help myself and let all the fears go. That's why i love to read positive blogs/post like yours to boost me. This really encourages me to be better and express myself more to others.

Thanks again @jaynie! Lots of love from me 😊

Expressing myself is actually difficult for me, i have fears like being judged by other people and being rejected.

In response to that @ooleyjulie... there is an expression I love and that is "staying motivated is like bathing, its effects dont always last which is why it is recommended daily :)

Feeding yourself with positivity and surrounding yourself with people that uplift you, is a sure fire way down the right path hon, so you are doing the right thing to remedy that way of thinking...


I will try to be more open with others @jaynie. Thanks for that wonderful motivation!

For a couple of weeks now, I have made an habit of looking forward to @jaynie happy Friday posts. They seem to inspire me in ways I cannot explain yet.

There is this sense of freedom and accomplishment we get when we do the things that come from within. The expression comes naturally without struggle.

Thanks for sharing. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Friday

Thank you for the lovely compliment on my work @korexe. I really do appreciate it. It means a lot to me :)

We become true to ourselves and anything other than being completely real is no longer of any interest to us.

I love this that you mentioned in your post above. Two years ago, I faced a very serious betrayal and I was disappointed at people trying to look okay before me but doing things behind. I had my healing when God told me He loves me being real. Since then, I remind myself with this statement and I am being restored! :) thanks @jaynie, you reminded me today about how great it is to be authentic !

Super happy that it resonated with you hon xxx I am sorry for what you went through, but you are very clearly a very strong and determined young woman xxx

Hello there Jaynie!

I have a proposition for you, care to give me your discord tag?


Hi @spiritualmax

Sure... here you go.... jaynie#9450

I love it! Let yourself be the person you've secretly wanted to be! Super great article.

Precisely! :)

I was told, " if the birds can survive each day, why do you worry?"
well, i still have many years to reach your stage, but one thing for sure, we will keep learning and striving =)
Cheers Jaynie <3

What a beautiful expression @asianetwork :)

Well, we all walk at our own pace... so nothing wrong with that... each in their own time. xxx

Yeah, I totally agree with you. It's better to express what you really feel coz it makes you feel better. Being real to yourself and accepting who you are is the best help you can give to yourself

Could not agree with you more @dhayor :)

Oh...that Friday feeling again my friend. Another bottle in the pipeline. rushing down to catch my flight in time.
Being swayed easily by the opinions of others is like being unstable like a stirred water. Being REAL is key and the way forward.

hahahaha!!! You gave me a good giggle there!! ;) Glad you enjoyed the post @olawalium :)

Yaaaay! I'm glad i did. I always enjoy your posts.

Happy Friday to you too ma'am!

I really have reached the stage in my life where being REAL far overshadows any desire for approval – from anyone or anything and I am loving it!

Self validation is the best kind of validation. If you make other people incharge of your validation,you will always have to go back to them for it!

Thanks for this awesome piece!

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