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RE: So, You've Traveled The World. Now What? | Travelling to different cultures, so we can design new realities!

in #life7 years ago

beautiful way to understand the lack of meaning you find when traveling always looking for something and not finding it. My husband and I spent the last year on the road searching for something we couldn't exactly put our fingers on. We are back "home" now and have found that a balance between travel (impermanence) and home life (permanence) is helpful for us. But having our permanent spot where we put down roots that is within a community we love is a very important part. We enjoy where we live now but there are always things we look at and think ... this could be a lot better. I think working together with other people to create on vision for everyone is a hard task to meet. I've been reading Adam Brock's book "Change Here Now" looking for new techniques to interact within groups, with others, and within bureaucratic structures in order to create change in interpersonal relations using permaculture principles. It's hard work though


Yes! I absolutely agree with you in the need to create that balance. That is where I had been lacking for so long, a community with roots and a place to call my home. I have finally tasted it, and it tastes great! A few more steps and I'll hopefully have created a Our NeighbourGood to raise my kids in :)

"we look at and think ... this could be a lot better."

I believe that is why we're here. To create, and to make 'better', more beautiful, more life affirming!

However, I will probably disagree with you on the "hard work" aspect of it. With a good dose of hindsight on my journeys the last few years. I have found that each time I was "working hard" I was merely laboring on something that ended up being inconsequential at best or a complete failure at worst. Anytime that I fully enjoyed the effort, the labour (easy "work" if you will, though I call it play) then it ended up bringing the greatest value and reward!

We have this idea that it's going to be hard, and I believe it is only that idea that makes it so. We choose to make things hard because we have been taught to believe that they are. Or, some idea that hard-work is to be idealized. Having not 'worked hard' at a single thing the last 2 years I can without a doubt in my mind, state that I have accomplished more of my goals and am far happier now that I ever was when I was working hard at it.

So, this is all to say. What is it that you would like to play at creating? What is it that you would jump out of bed in the morning in excitement to dedicate energy into?

I think we might be interpreting the term "hard work" differently. I don't think working hard at something you don't like is the answer. I think working hard because you love it, more like consistently wanting to give your time to the idea you are pursuing is the "hard work" I'm talking about. I felt aimless and purposeless on my travels much like being at a festival with no goal or mission or thing to accomplish. I say work hard as in having that passion, goal, and purpose that I want to give my effort to. But for me I find that consistency is hard, but produces amazing results when i "work" at it. I figure we're along the same lines ( :

Same meaning, different words :) You're definition I would call play (regardless of the energy input) I call work, something that is begrudgingly done. Like, going to work, or 'working' out, etc... While very similar actions with better outcomes can be play...

But, it seems we have the same idea. I get a bit pedantic about word choice sometimes :)

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