♨♨THINGS MAY NOT KNOW BUT NEED TO KNOW! | Hal-hal yang mungkin tidak tahu tapi perlu tahu ♨♨

in #life7 years ago (edited)


🐜 Permasalahan dg semut: Semut benci timun. TARUH kulit ketimun di dkt tempat2 yg ada semut atw di lubang semut.

🎆 Utk mengkilapkan kaca:
"Bersihkan dg Sprite"

💨 Utk melepas permen karet dari baju:
"Taruh bajunya di dlm freezer selama satu jam"

💭 Utk memutihkan baju:
"Rendam baju putih di dalam air hangat bersama dg seiris lemon selama 10 menit"

🙇 Utk menghasilkan rambut yg berkilau:
"Beri satu sendok teh cuka (vinegar) ke rambut kemudian cuci rambutnya"

🍋 Utk mendapatkan jus perasan sebanyak2nya dari lemon:
"Rendam lemon di air hangat selama sejam kemudian baru diperas"

🍞 Utk menghindari bau kol ketika memasak:
"Taruh sepotong roti di atas kol di dlm wadahnya ketika memasak"

👕 Menghilangkan tinta dari baju:
"Kasih odol 🍥agak banyak di bagian bertinta dan biarkan sampai bnr2 mengering, baru setelah itu dicuci"

🐀 Utk menyingkirkan tikus:
"Tabur lada hitam di tmpt2 yg ada tikusnya. Mereka akan kabur"

🍸 Minum air putih sblm tidur..
"Sekitar 90% dari serangan jantung terjadi di dini hari dan resiko ini bs dikurangi dg meminum satu atw dua gelas air putih sblm tidur di malam hari"

💐 Kita tahu air itu penting tp kita tdk pernah tahu ttg saat2 tertentu kita harus minum..

💦 Meminum air di waktu-waktu yg tepat ⏰ memaksimalkan khasiatnya utk tubuh manusia :
1 gelas air putih ketika bangun tidur - 🕕⛅ membantu mengaktifkan organ2 dalam..
1 gelas air putih 30 menit 🕧 sblm makan - membantu pencernaan..
1 gelas air putih sblm mandi 🚿 - membantu menurunkan tekanan darah.
1 gelas air putih sblm tidur - 🕙 menghindarkan dari stroke dan serangan jantung.

🃏 Pepatah mengatakan:
'Ketika seseorang berbagi sesuatu yg bermanfaat dan kamu mendptkan manfaat dari itu maka kamu punya obligasi moral utk membagi hal itu juga ke org lain.'

Saya telah melakukan obligasi saya...😄 🏁___🐎____________
_ _🐢...


🐜 Problems with ant:
Ant hates cucumbers.
cucumber skin on near ant or ant or in ant hole.

🎆 To glaze the glass:
"Clean with Sprite"

💨 To remove gum from clothes:
"Put her clothes in the freezer for an hour"

💭 To whiten the clothes:
"Soak the white shirt in warm water together with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes"

🙇 To produce sparkling hair:
"Give a teaspoon of vinegar (vinegar) to the hair then wash her hair"

🍋 To get juice juice from lemons:
"Soak lemon in warm water for an hour then just squeezed"

🍞 To avoid the smell of cabbage when cooking:
"Put a loaf of bread on a cabbage in the container while cooking"

👕 Eliminate ink from shirt:
"The love of toothpaste is much in the inked part and let it bnr2 dry out, just after it is washed"

🐀 To get rid of mice:
"Pour the black pepper in the place with the mouse, they'll run away"

🍸 Drinking water before sleeping ..
"About 90% of heart attacks occur in the early morning and this risk is reduced by drinking one or two glasses of water while sleeping at night"

💐 We know water is important tp we never know about certain moments we have to drink ..

💦 Drinking water at the right times ⏰ maximizing its efficacy for the human body:
1 cup water while waking up - 🕕⛅ helps to activate internal organs ..
1 cup water 30 minutes 🕧 before eating - help with digestion 1 cup water 🚿 - helps lower blood pressure.
1 cup water - sleep 🕙 avoid the stroke and heart attack.

🃏 Proverb says:
'When someone shares something useful and you get the benefit of it then you have a moral bond to share it with other people too.'

I have done my bond ... 😄 🏁 ___ 🐎 ____________
_ _🐢 ...



Nice post bro...@jasmadi here i always follow your post.... And forget follow my post so...

Thanks @muammarpasee .. it will follow and doing so like you do for me.......kept post bro

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