Stand up for yourself and show Bullies your Strengths!

in #life7 years ago

We all go through such situations in our lives that make us feel helpless and agitated to the point that we learn to live with it. Sometimes, we get so scared that we accept living with our fear and not fighting it back. This is where we go wrong. Being comfortably fearful of the world is one of the things that kill us from inside and doesn’t let us live it fully.

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Bullying, I feel is a form of terrorism because it kills a person emotionally and takes a whole lifetime to recover fully. The scars are much deeper than the ones we see and the pain is so severe that it leaves a huge impact on one’s life forever. Being a victim of bully-ism in the past, I feel it is the most important to talk about it and more than that, to make people fight it back! Here are some of the most helpful advice that I have learned from people who decided to stand up for themselves and fight back.


It is a known fact that children and youngsters and even adults who do get bullied are often under confident and don’t have much confidence in themselves. One way to gain confidence in your self is to learn self-defence techniques. There are more than just one advantage of learning self-defense techniques. One not only feels physically strong but also mentally stable to take any challenge to come their way. There are a lot of tutorials available online that are very helpful to learn some easy to adapt techniques.

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Mental Awareness:

Mental awareness is one of the most important factors that prove to be helpful at every stage in life, especially during the time a lot of pressure started building up in life from different directions. Wise people always learn from others’ experiences and apply the lessons to their lives. To be honest, everybody can learn from their own experiences but not everybody can learn from others’ experiences and that is what defines intelligence.

Another way of making yourself mentally strong is to read good books and talk to people who have good knowledge of mental stability and can guide you according to your situation. Moreover, you can also search for different exercises that boost your mental health and let you use your mind more efficiently. Eventually, it makes you aware of your surroundings and when being bullied, you know how to react to it.

Answer Back:

Bullies target people who they know are vulnerable and weak. They take advantage of their weakness and abuse them verbally as well as physically. If you find yourself in a similar position, you must show your strength by answering back with some wit that in return embarrasses them. Whatever you say should be witty but not personal. Remember that you don’t want to fall at their level and target their physical features or their personal life. Say something that comes across as a strong answer against bully-ism.

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However, not every time is it helpful to answer back. Sometimes, the best way is to ignore and move on but the idea is not to show it as your weakness and fight back when needed to.

Ask for help:

If the situation gets out of your hands and you feel too uncomfortable with it then you can simply ask for help from the people you trust. Don’t shy away from asking for help. Imagine your loved one being bullied, wouldn’t you want them to at least inform you so you can figure out a way together to get rid of it? Its ok to share your fear and weekends with the people you love and trust.

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Focus on your strengths:

Sometimes, we take little things too personally and overthink about it. This sometimes makes us go into depression and shift our focus from our strength to our weaknesses. We must never forget what we are capable of and use it as a way to keep us intact with life and let us value ourselves.

Learn from the experience and move on:

Life gives you many ups and downs but the good thing is that it keeps going and so should you. The best way to deal with it to embrace and learn from every experience, good or bad, that comes your way and keep moving forward.

The next time someone bullies you, remember to fight back!!


Facing the challenges of life requires our will and patience
And here is the duty of the parents .. true inheritance

I a gree with you @jasimg, This life must be full of confidence, courage and frightened opponents that are within us. we must really feel the real life.

How to fight back, if the person is shy and modest? Not everyone is capable of that, much easier to swing my fist, but it is not an option. Attack mind - win-win. How to fight back with words? The intellectual battle is much more exciting than talking tough, so feel free to study the psychology of human behavior and "beat" the person to the patient, not to povadno other to offend! But be careful, because what has been said - will not return. You need to think before saying something.

self defense can make someone physically strong. but i think proper meditation, and know yourself can bring more confidence and helps to stand up with proper strength.

This post has received a 24.73 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @jasimg.

nice and informative article i am agree with this

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