How Society Influences Your Behavior

in #life7 years ago

Do you see yourself through the eyes of the world? Do you think how your society see you? Do you change your plans, actions or goals based on how others will judge you? See, there are two kinds of perception that exist in this world. First one is the way you see yourself and the society around you while the second one is the way the world perceives you. The only perception that you can change or have control over is your own. You really can’t control the perception of others about you or cannot force others to change their perception of you. Perception is something that develops itself considering some cultural, economic and social factors. You have no control over the thoughts of the other people around you.

At times, our own behavior gets changed because of the people that surround us. We start thinking with respect to their perception. It is quite natural that we care about how people think about us. We also get concerned about the view of people that are close to us. Besides that, we also become very sensitive to the perception of even strangers. This happens because we fear of being judged. We fear of taking paths that are different from the norms of our society. We fear of living our own choices just because we don’t want to have a life full of misery and doubts that come from society.

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In order to avoid the risk of being judged, we start altering the way we think or perceive different things around us. We start changing our paths just to accommodate our lifestyle with the perception of the world. As a result of this, our own personality gets damaged. We lose the uniqueness that once was the hallmark of our own self. We forget our worth and originality. We deny the fact that everyone in this world is different and holds a different sense of individuality that no one else can have. Our uniqueness and our potential are what that separate us from each other. When we lose that charm, we just lose everything. Believe me, there is no loss greater than losing your own self while doing life.

How Do You Perceive Life?

The world starts influencing your actions and emotions when you give them enough importance to let them influence you. See, if you view a world of abundance, your attitude and your actions will also work towards abundance. On the other hand, if you perceive your life as something that lacks happiness or success, you will always worry about what you do not have rather than working for things that you can achieve in a remarkable way. Two people who are facing the same circumstances in life can have two different perceptions about their situations. The one having a positive potential will use his tendency to thrive while the one with negative potential will tend to struggle till the very end. An optimistic person uses his abilities in creating or achieving his goals while a pessimistic person loses his abilities in merely thinking about the harshness of life.

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Your perception shapes your life. Just think about yourself for a moment. Do you look for solutions or start complaining whenever you encounter some problem in life? If you are among the ones who try their fullest to think of all the possible solutions that lead towards success, you will never have regrets in your life. People who give up easily in difficult situations live a life full of fear and regrets. Some of them doubt their potential while the others fear failure. They never realize that the fear of failure is worse than failure itself.

Never Let Others Control Your Perception
The only way to live a life of your choice is to feed your unconscious about the positivity. Surround yourself with positivity in life and never promote hatred or negativity. When you start telling your brain that you should not care about what others think about your choices, your brain will ultimately develop an attitude of thinking optimistically in every situation. Never complain about your problems because it leads nowhere. Just try solving them of your own without getting influenced by the typical norms of the society.

You and only you control your perception. At this present moment, if you are not happy with your life or your circumstances, change your view about it. Think of all the benefits that you are enjoying in life which others are deprived of. Never allow this world to influence your views with their perception. Remember, my dear, the only thing that matters is your own thoughts and nothing else!

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Good article. We all have a blind side as it is impossible to see ourselves as others do. The best we can do is seek feedback and listen!

you have control of what can influence you, you can shut or open the door. Stay positive.

A time old lesson that needs to be retold so we can be reminded. The difference between a prison and a palace can be less than you would originally think, it's up to you whether you see your palace as a prison, or vice versa.

Not letting your perception be affected by others and always being positive is the same as being autistic or plain insane. The way you describe a perfect person reminds me of those crazy positive people in propaganda movies regarding religion or liberty of whatever kind.

I think we just need to stop bothering about other people thoughts about us.

If we trust ourselves we can accomplish any goals we have in mind, even if no one believes we can do it. And this doesn’t just apply on a personal level.

The whole crypto space is an example of succeeding, even when people didn’t think it was possible.

We need to trust our gut and work for our goals. That’s the only way to success in my opinion.

That sort of thiking is what creates movies like The Room XD

you know there is one saying: do not be happy if someone is deceived by you , it only means that you were trusted more than you deserved

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Like our every characteristic , our fears are influenced by society .when we’re born we have not any fear but our society teach us fears .

Great post! Thanks for sharing @jasmig.

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