Money Over Nothing; Adventure Over Everything

in #life8 years ago

be you be free

People idolize those with money, toys, and material possessions—the flashy cars and lavish vacations. Many respect those with positions of authority and fancy titles, successful business men and women, and entrepreneurs. But we have it all wrong. What would external riches mean if paired with internal poverty?

We should idolize those we believe to have found true happiness. As Eckhart Tolle said, "the secret to life is to die before you die." Let all the falsehoods, materialism, other people's expectations dissolve away and wither—let them die. In this way you will find the truth and the purest and most beautiful version of you. Embrace the true essence of you, with all the corks and intricacies. We are all betrothed to death—the only true democracy that exists. The only tragedy in death is at a life not lived.

A famous poet once said, "We R Who We R"—Ke$ha, I think it was. I wish I could agree, but too often I have found "We R Who Others Want Us 2 B" (that version doesn't sell as many records). There's a common saying regarding people's behavior with their personal fiances: "We buy things we don't need, to impress people we don't know, with money we don't have." I think a similar thing can be said about our choices during decision points in our life more broadly: "We do things we don't want, to impress people we know, with time we don't have." Live for yourself, for living for someone else is not living. Do not fall prey to the temptress of materialism and the need to impress others. Live only to impress yourself. As Warren Buffet would say, "Live with an internal scorecard."

I would take money over nothing; I choose adventure over everything. Although the technical definition is of a different nature, I use adventure loosely to represent any experience new or unique.

The subjectivity of time is an astonishing thing and memory a fickle character. Surely you have heard an elder in your life at one time or another say, as you have probably experienced yourself, the years only go by faster as you age. This phenomenon is primarily due to becoming creatures of routine, preventing oneself from new experiences and therefore new memories. I challenge you to avoid this black hole, and in so doing, you will live a life too long rather than too short.

Resist becoming a static being just floating through time instead of participating in the adventures of this immense world. Stay fresh in mind, body, soul, personality, and activity.

Brenden Gill said, "Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea life is serious." I agree. Our brains sometimes try to convince us otherwise, try to create an unnecessary burden, but it is only a gimmick—an evolutionary tool to keep us alive. There will be times of sadness and a spectrum of other emotions. Learn from these moments and observe your emotions, but fight their attempts to devour you. Life is a beautiful adventure of experience and nothing more. Be you. Live free.


Greetings! This article has been featured in Lost Content Digest, Issue #4. The author will receive a share of all SBD proceeds from the LCD issue.

That's great! Thank you for the feature :)

To beat @Cheetah bot: this post was originally posted on my blog on May 20, 2013. I have updated the bottom of the post on that blog to include my steemit blog name jaredandanissa and the date of posting and also put in my profile on that blog my steemit blog url and name.

Well said. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and has nothing to do with having money or not. A homeless person can have more of a life than a millionaire.

I was in the Dominican Republic and the little boys were running around naked and the teenage girls would hull buckets of water up from the creek and living in small houses made with whatever they could find. They are living a better life than most people here in the States.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading and the support! I have been to many countries in the Caribbean and Central America and found the same thing. On another one of my old blog posts I wrote:

"My point was someone can be homeless and transform society with an idea. How one supports themself is irrelevant to their productivity to humanity."

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