4 Must Have Goals For Every Steemian in 2018

in #life7 years ago

The future does not get better by hope,it gets better by plan.-Jim Rohn

It's that time of the year where almost every sane person deems it right to set new year resolutions or goals...!!


If you read that opening sentence above by Jim Rohn.
There is a big number of people who hope for things to change. Jim Rohn says the future does not get better by hoping but by plan.

We need to stop wishing and hoping for things to get better,we have to do some work(Planning/Goal setting).

I have been on Steemit for 5 months and didn't really have a clear plan of where I want Steemit to go with me.
The main reason was because I was still studying Steemit and I guess the time is right for me to set goals for next year.

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results-Albert Einstein.

We are where we are because of what we repeatedly do(habits).

Human beings are blessed to be able to change the course of their lives.This change can be started by setting goals.

As you set your new year goals do not forget to set this goals that will benefit you and the whole Steemit community.

1. Steem Power.

Steem Power is the influence you have on Steemit.
This simply means that Steem Power is like a share you own on Steemit.

The bigger your Steem Power,the bigger your upvote weight.
In Steemit,every upvote is directly proportional to your Steem Power.

Now you might ask how can I get Steem Power.

You are right,each new account on Steemit is given/delegated a certain amount of Steem Power.

Let me answer the ways you grow your SP.

In Steemit,every post you write pays out in Steem Power and SBDs.So everytime you make a post,it earns you SP and you can also convert the earned SBDs from your posts to SP by process called Power Up.

Another way you can get SP is by buying Steem from the different exchanges and then you Power it Up.

If you are still confused on all this Steem Power,SBD and Power Up things,then check out this article .


It is mandatory to set achieving a higher Steem Power this year.If you have a high Steem Power,you are able to earn high rewards from Steemit(we all want this..!!!)

I have a very small Steem Power at the moment only 240SP(you can check yours by clicking on your Steemit wallet).

My goal is to have a Steem Power of 1000 by end of February..

So write down your SP goal and start working on it.

2. Reputation

Reputation is that figure you see near your username on Steemit...
It represents the value you have brought to Steemit..!!

The value increases with increasing number of upvotes your receive.

In Steemit each new user starts with a reputation of 25 and we work out way to the top.
As a new user you should work hard to at least move your reputation to 40! because it's easy at the start.

As a new user reading this,to move your reputation to level 40.I advise you to go and give thoughtful comments on the Steemit Hot and Trending page...!!!

You might be asking why Reputation matters..??

That's a great question you asked.
Let me tell you the plain truth,even if you write great content and you still have a reputation of 25,chances are high no one will read your posts.

I personally with a mere reputation of 57 does not read posts written by people below rep 40!!!!

Steemit also uses reputation to filter what content gets to the hot and Trending page(though it's mostly SP that is considered).

So folks set a goal to have a high reputation by mid year.If you have a high reputation,chances are high your posts will be seen and read.

My reputation is currently at 57 and will work hard to be at 60 by February...!!

You have to be aware that moving from rep 25 to 33 is very easy as it can be done by just one upvote!
It gets harder from 37 to 45...and very hard from 49 and above(am talking from personal experience!!)

3.Topics to write on Steemit.

Yes this sounds simple,but you have to set a goal...!!

If you want to make a name in this online world,then Steemit is the place for you.
Steemit has the best Search Engine Optimization(SEO).
This simply means that if two posts are written on "how to make money trading cryptos....."

The article written on Steemit has a higher chance to be the first to be shown on Google than the article written on any ordinary blog..!!

So whatever you guys write about has a higher chance to be seen by people searching for info on Google.

It is therefore wise to stick to a few topics and become an authority in those topics...So if you write about food,people can easily find your articles on Google and also Steemit.

I write about many topics but I have established myself as a Steemit promoter in Uganda....If you just make a simple Google search ie "Steemit Uganda"
I have more than 5 results on the first page of Google for the "Steemit Uganda"
search term..

I advise you too to write down the topics you would want to write about this coming year.

I will also be reviewing books, I love reading.So whatever book I will reviewing books

4. Number of Posts/Comments


If you have observed I have not made earning a certain amount of money on Steemit as a goal.!!
If you work on this goals I have listed here,the money but will fall in place.

To earn the money on Steemit,you have to write posts and also comment on other people's posts.

It is a wise idea to keep posting and commenting daily.

As piece of advise, at least write one post per day and 5 comments per day.

I have a goal to write at least 2 posts per day and 10 comments per day....!!

It is really a commitment to pull this off,am ready to do it folks.
Anything worthwhile takes time and effort.

So I encourage you to come up with a schedule to make a specific number of Posts and comments.It has to be a number that favors your schedule!.

It has to be something you can keep consistent with,do not let your followers wait for long without reading a post from you!.

As I conclude, I would ask you take this exercise seriously as it is where the money comes from.

If you have a high Steem Power,good reputation,write a topic you are passionate about consistently,then the money will flow automatically.

I have an idea where we can form a group so that we support each other as we achieve our goals throughout the year.

It will keep us accountable to each other,what's your opinion on this idea....??

If you liked my post please upvote and resteem.

Happy New Year
Jarau Moses


I highly appreciate your honesty:

I personally with a mere reputation of 57 does not read posts written by people below rep 40!!!!

so this is the secret to get more views on our posts!
I am here for longer than a month and still haven't read all from the welcome and faq page, prefer to read people's posts :-)

Since you have highlighted that,i will now follow and read your post.
It is always a good idea to grow the reputation though.

I have followed you

WOW thank you :-)

Good post for setting new year goals. I really like your thoughts.
Now, I try to set my year 2018 goal for steemit as stated by you. Your mentioned 4 topics is most important on steemit.
If anybody follows these points, then he will be rocking and no stopping for him.

Thanks for appreciating and hope you follow through.

Confucius : Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

superb post. i really love ur post dear.keep it up.

very timely and informative indeed. thank you, it was a good read. setting my goals tonight!!

Quality content!

Hi PLEASE follow and upvote me

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