
Yes, she saved herself by flying up there. She was really lucky because she is one of only two in my flock that are very good fliers. The rest make short stints at going upward but don't usually manage too well. She also got lucky the bobcat waited until light, because chickens don't see well at night and she would have been a sitting duck...chicken.

lol! So she was unlucky that her owner accidently locked her out but she was lucky that she can fly! It's so true about the bobcats though, how they slink around and we seldom get a good look at them! We've been tempted to put up a game camera to see what comes around at night and then we decided we probably didn't want to know!

I feel the same way. I just don't want to know what is out there.

Florida's a scary place. I heard the Creature from the Black Lagoon lives there!

Probably not. The alligators would have eaten him.

lol! probably.

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