
Seems more and more have their hand out these days though. Is it the same up there? What's unemployment like?

Well unemployment in Texas is almost unheard of because we're in such an economic boom and nationwide it's low, 3 something percent. But yes the entitlement mentality of the youth is just disgusting!

In real estate we talked to small business owners all the time and they all said the same thing..they couldn't find any young workers who wanted to work and none of them had a work ethic to begin with.

They DID expect to earn big wages just for showing up though. IF they showed up.

I think that entitlement is everywhere. It's a shame. Unemployment is low there...Ours is much higher, 8% or so. We have had a lot of manufacturing close down here which accounts for a lot of it. Not a good situation.

I'm sorry to hear that. Did alot of your companies move to China like ours did? Many of our are moving back though since this administration lowered corp taxes.

Yep, same happens here. Not this company though.

I'm a fan of Australian made and jobs for Australian's though, unashamedly, so I'm not keen on seeing China, or anyone else, come along and take them away. It's happening though.

That's sad, happening all over the world though, I know you know that, slave labor gives advantages.

Yeah, unfortunately our government makes decisions around the short time they are in power and change rules or laws opening the flood gates for the country to be purchased (lining their pockets) with the ultimate result of jobs going to foreign workers.

Exactly, they make the big moves for themselves and then much of the time they're out of office when the bad results are realized. I hate most politicians.

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