in #life6 years ago (edited)

You know what is the fastest way to heal any pain? And I don't mean physical pain but our inner pains, which dictate our lives. Pain that we are used to avoid. Not only that, we are taught to master that very thing as one of the first skills by this society and parents - to numb, avoid, run away from, deflect, defend, attack and distract us from our pain.

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And just to be clear on the subject of pain before I really dive into it. When I say pain I really mean ego.
Ego gets many labels and many explanations but after years of spiritual path and many teachers it finally dawned on me that ego is just that- SUM OF UNPROCESSED PAINS IN US.

Whatever triggers you conquers you. Whatever gets an emotional reaction from you is just a bounce off an old pain that is already IN YOU. This world and people do NOT HURT YOU. They do not put a pain in your system unless you consciously or unconsciously agree to it by 1.clinging to it or 2.rejecting it (pushing it away is more frequent). Your stance to any situation/person hurts you. You have an idea how this world or people should be. But really, that is just one of many lines of conditioning that you received. If you dig deep enough and silence your mind enough you will realize that THINGS JUST ARE. WORLD JUST IS. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING can EVER hurt you or trigger you if you have no pain (unresolved energetic pattern that you carry in your subtle bodies = aura) in you.

I know the above statement is hard to swallow for most people who have not dedicated some serious efforts on the path of self-discovery. It is just SO TEMPTING to point the finger to the outside as the reason for our pain. Yet any truly enlightened guru will always, without exception, tell you the opposite.

Life is nothing but an intelligent energy flow. You resist the flow in any way (reject or cling) then you create pain. Accept everything with vulnerability and openness and you do not create pain. That does not mean you AGREE with everything, but you trust whatever comes your way as a good lesson in disguise, bigger picture of which you can't always grasp in the moment. Truth is we ALMOST NEVER see the bigger picture of any situation, which would reveal to us that we are ABSOLUTELY BLESSED IN EVERY MOMENT BY THE PRIMARY CREATOR = LIFE, which wants nothing but GOOD FOR US = to awaken to the truth of WHO WE REALLY ARE BEYOND BODY AND OUR PAINS.

Now that I dropped the uncomfortable truth, I can get to the more practical part of my blurb, which is the part about healing. This will sound simple enough, yet for a 21st century person it is VERY HARD because as I said, we are taught since baby age to do the EXACT OPPOSITE.


Ok. Here we go. Bold Friday evening statement from Mr.Kasparec.

The fastest way to heal is to learn how to feel fully, without any resistance. Basically what I'm saying is that we need to learn how to stay VULNERABLE at all times. Vulnerability is easily misunderstood so just remember this. Vulnerability is the combination of OPENNESS, ACCEPTANCE and GENTLENESS. In order to heal you gotta realize few things first.

Here is how the magical list goes

1. Realize that the pain is in you and ONLY IN YOU, not in the other person or the outside world

2. Realize that your body is the reflection of the whole cosmos. It is intelligent beyond belief and contains all the wisdom of ages, namely in our DNA, namely the part that "scientists" (mostly ignorant) call "JUNK DNA". Nothing is junk in your body. They just don't know crap nothing about it.

3. Pain = ego is ALSO IN YOUR BODY. It is not floating around you located in some mind created space. It is physically stored in you body and emotions are just reflecting point of it which project that same pain into more suble astral layers of your emotional and mental body.

4. You need to learn to FEEL the pain in your body and stay vulnerable with it. Above all and ESPECIALLY in moments when you are triggered, because that is when your pain is activated and as such is most easily visible and can be felt/worked on in the most effective way

5. Read the 4. again. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND. If you learn how to slow down, take a breath, and FEEL FULLY AND VULNERABLY the discomfort inside of you which screams for your attention and wants to be acted out, but you feel it without judgement or resentment instead, you learned the MAGIC OF ALCHEMY that Hermes Trismegistus ascended with in the Age of Atlantis.

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Yes this, seemingly simple thing, is all you need to know in order to heal. You don't need to sit in silence and meditate for years, you don't need to do Ayahuasca or DMT ceremony (they will not heal any of your ego pains permanently anyways , nothing external can, only YOUR OWN AWARENESS CAN!!!!!!), all you need to do is learn how to fully and vulnerably feel your pain in the moment when you want to run, hide or act it out, when you want to attack or defend yourself.

Open your mouth (that simple act helps IMMENSELY because your body associates it with vulnerability), take a deep breath and feel it fully. Wrap it in the soft blanket of your awareness and see it for what it really is = JUST A STUCK ENERGY GOING IN A LOOP IN ONE OF YOUR CHAKRAS, MOST PROBABLY HEART CHAKRA.

REMEMBER! Do not attach any mental story to your pain. Why is it there and how horrible this or that is! This will PREVENT YOU FROM HEALING! Your mind is not your friend, it will do its best to keep you from healing cause if you do, it has lots a major job = screwing up your life by controlling the old loops which DO NOT SERVE YOU!!

Just feel my friends. Feel and trust that everything can be healed.

If you do this diligently, at one point you will physically feel the pain move and leave your system. It is not a mental concept or any other masturbation. YOU WILL LITERALLY FEEL IT IN YOUR BODY as a feeling of SPACIOUSNESS AND RELIEF.

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So much Love to all of you.

Thank you for reading.

I hope this was at least a bit helpful. It cost me lots of typing but I felt the urge to communicate what I have been intensely practising.

Love you all,

follow @jankasparec

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uncomfortable truth, ahahah, indeed it's a lovely and puregold truth, sometimes i lost it, i distract with so many things, but read things like this fully of feel of be usefull helps me to forgive and heal. a shame that was 8 days ago, i want to reestem this.

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