Power Of Positive Thinking, Law of Attraction & How Mind Influences Reality

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The Extraordinary Scientific Proof That Positive Thinking Works
Source: Carla Schesser, www.huffingtonpost.com/

Ninety percent of success in any walk of life is a direct result of how the mind is used. Top athletes, top business executives, top parents, top entrepreneurs, and the most successful individuals all understand the important truth that the mind is what counts.

What quantum physics is uncovering is that one’s perceptions and beliefs about reality actually alter reality to fit that perspective.

This is huge!

For example, scientists have performed experiments attempting to discover whether the basic building blocks of our Universe are either particles or waves. They argued and argued as each scientist obtained different results whenever the experiment was performed, and eventually they took a step back and began experimenting in a new way.

They discovered that the fundamental building blocks became waves or particles depending on the expectations of the scientist doing the experimenting. If the scientist expected them to be particles, that’s what they appeared as; if the scientist expected them to be waves, that’s what they appeared as.


A New App Creation has been designed to help you devote more time each day to positive thinking and creating what happens in your life;


What you put out comes back all the time, no matter what." - Oprah Winfrey

"Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life" - Anthony Robbins

"I believe you can speak things into existence." – Jay Z

  • Create your own affirmations using Creation
  • Record affirmations in your own trusted voice
  • Play your affirmations, 5 minutes each morning, embedding thoughts into your subconscious mind
  • Choose from 200 selected affirmations in categories; money, love, relationships, happiness, abundance, mental & physical health, family, God, success, careers, positivity, self motivation or create your own
  • We recommend listening each morning for 1 month, record atleast 10 affirmations with a postive voice to manifest your goals and the life that you want

Creation App tutorial video:

"Total believer. I believe in manifestation. I believe in putting a rocket of desire out in the universe. You get it when you believe you have it. People still sit around and go “When it’s gonna come, when it’s gonna come” And that’s the wrong way. You’re facing away from it. You have to go, “It’s here, it’s here, it’s here”. – Jim Carrey

"When I was very young I visualized myself being and having what it was I wanted. Mentally I never had any doubts about it. The mind is really so incredible. I visualized myself being a famous actor and earning big money. I could feel and taste success. I just knew it would all happen." – Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you can see it here (in your head), and you have enough courage to speak it, it will happen. I see these shots, I see these sequences and I don’t shy away from them. A lot of times people believe in certain things but they keep to themselves. They don’t put it out there. If you truly believe in it and become vocal with it, you are creating that law of attraction and it will become reality. – Conor McGregor

"It’s sort of like a mantra. You repeat it to yourself every day. “Music is my life. Music is my life. The fame is inside of me. I’m going to make a number one record and the number one hit.” And it’s not yet, it’s a lie. You’re saying a lie over and over and over again but then one day, the lie is true." – Lady Gaga

"I believe that I can create whatever I want to create. If I can put my head on it right, study it, learn the patterns, and — it’s hard to put into words, it’s real metaphysical, esoteric nonsense, but I feel very strongly that we are who we choose to be." – Will Smith

"I always felt like I could do anything. That’s the main thing people are controlled by! Thoughts- their perception of themselves! They’re slowed down by their perception of themselves. If you’re taught you can’t do anything, you won’t do anything. I was taught I could do everything. And I’m Kanye West" – Kanye West

"Whatever you think today becomes what you are tomorrow." – Napolean Hill

"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." – Mahatma Gandhi

"The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large." – Confucius

"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." – Marcus Aurelius

"Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace." – Buddha

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." – Buddha


Hey @jamieson, thanks for sharing! So many things out there to be happy for and about. Always keep staying positive! Thanks for a nice post! Cheers

Thank you @exxodus

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