My minds gone blank...

in #life8 years ago

So, since joining Steemit just over a week ago I think I thought that I would be writing posts every day and that things would be flowing onto the pages like mad.


Apart from the into post I have just managed one other post and just can't see to empty my busy brain enough to focus on writing, What topic? What aproach on said topic? What images are all things that are doing my nut it.

I guess this post is a kind of way to get sommething out there as the more you sit and think about the what the more you tend to put it off.

Do you ever get stuck for ideas? If so how do you go about solving the issue?

I hope that although not a great writer that I would be able to get something posted every day to improve and from now on that is what I am going to do. Whether it's going to be any good or not is a different matter but there is no point in not trying otherwise you'll just be staring at a blank page again.

I was even going to put this post off until another day but thought I would get my thoughts down now, even though it's just gone 1am here and need to be up with my children early it had to be donee otherwise I would probably be away all night wondering why I hadn't done it.

You see I set myself a goal but have been making excusess and finding reasons to put things of. I think that can be true for a lot of goals that people set but it's all about having the right mindset to get it done no matter what. Wether it's a goal to get fit or start your day earlier or even just making sure to get to bed earlier as you have a busy day ahead, if you don't have the right mindset you will fail at everything.

Maybe fail is a harsh word what do you think?

You can always find reasons to not do something as most of the time it's the easier option but you have two options...

Results or excuses...

Which are you going to choose next time you plan something??

Talking about excuses, excuse any spelling errors it is late after all :-)


I have been blogging daily (well it started in discussion forums) since the 90's. Just post whatever comes to mind, but make it a habit. A daily blurb with no care just what comes and you will begin to pick up more and more each time. All the best.

Hey @kyusho I meant to say thanks for the advice and that's probably the way I'll do it.

i don't know if this will work for you. first, i look through the new posts, find things that i feel strongly about and have relevant knowledge for, i open a file and start making a list of these subjects. second, i make comments. i collect my comments. over time this will start to amount to a lot. i don't worry about posting, or at least don't force it. once i have enough comments and the time for the subjects to sort themselves in my head, the posts will almost write themselves. sometimes i find myself waking up, with a comprehensive understanding of something with which i've been struggling, racing through my brain. it happened to me this morning. i use periodic reinforcement by researching subjects of interest in patterns. i have found unexpected connections this way. i'm starting to expound. the ideas become overwhelming in their proliferation. the problem becomes, not what to write but, where to start. i have found the preparation for several posts delayed because a post is evolving into a book. this comment right here, now, is causing my brain to race forward to design a comprehensive method for writing. hold on, there, comment saved. thanks for the inspiration. another subject to write about, added to the list. i could go on but don't want to get boring. i hope this helps.

Excellent ideas and many thanks for sharing them. Looks like you have another topic to write about. I know what you mean about where to start, I think that might be half the battle I face with so much going on in every day life everything gets a little ttwisted too.

Same problem here, I've made about 10 posts in 2 months but would love to post everyday if I could.

Some of my best ideas have come to me right before I fall asleep, but so far I have no sure fire way of thinking of something great to write about.

It doesn't all have to be great to start off with. once you get started the post can quite often find a life of it's own as this one did for me. It was only going to be a short post asking for ideas if you like but ended up being about having the right mindset to get things done.

My inspirations (if you can call it that), many times comes reading the thoughts of another. I always relate things I see, read, learn... to my life to measure it's worth. Once you develop the habit of doing this, writing down what it meant to you is the easy part... not always fun as turning thoughts and emotions into words can be difficult and long, but it also ingrains that worth in you much more. That's how I see it anyway.

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