Have an Awesome Monday

in #life8 years ago

Awesome Monday you say???

I know Mondays might suck for a lot of people but lets face it, you woke up and that's an awesome start to any day. It means you're alive, what you make of the day is up to you.

Mondays for me means the start of three days off, yes it also means I have to set the alarm and battle with my children to get them to school but so what. They are what keep me living. You have to make the best of what you have just think there are always people worse off than you. I know that won't help if you have to get up and start a commute to a job that you probably hate but lets face it, if you hate it that much you would find something else to do.

No one else can change the way you feel, you are the only one that can do that so don't blame anyone else if you think mondays suck. Heck if you work a 9-5 Monday to Friday think of all the poor souls that have to work over the weekend. The ones that have to serve you in the shops and bars that have to deal with all your crap cos you get a couple of days off.

I'm one of those people but I enjoy what I do and if I didn't I would change it.

Life is yours to make it great so go out and have an awesome day. :-)

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