The Buddha Fever... Getting Back to our Joyous State

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Good day lovely Steemians!  It's a good day indeed as the sun is rising into the clear blue sky and it is magnificent!  After such a long winter/rainy season, I am feeling energized almost instantly by the sun's bright, warm rays coming through my window.  The fire in the sky is lighting a fire of energy under me, so I would like to share with you today some revelations I have been encountering in my studies of genetics (our DNA) and destiny.  

I have mentioned in previous posts, and maybe some of you are familiar with the book "Gene Keys" by Richard Rudd.  I have been searching for a long time (most of my life) for the epiphany of pure knowing.  That school of thought, that one unifying storyline, to bridge the gap between what I feel deep down in the core of my being... that sense of knowingness, and what I want to bring into the world and share with the world.  The Gene Keys is a practical, step by step guide to realizing this deep sense of certainty for what it truly is.  It's our divinity speaking to us, calling us to our higher purpose.  There is NOTHING IN THIS WORLD (as in made within the confines of our human minds)  that could possibly saturate our being with more Love and Hope, and in turn HEAL OUR PLANET, than our absolute surrender to our highest purpose.  And it is about surrender... Let me explain.

When we are born into this world we come in as tiny bundles of genetic code.  We are delivered here through our parents choice to reproduce and become 'one' through the act of sexual intercourse.  Through this beautiful act of Love and passion, their oneness becomes 'one more', and so we are born into the world.  Kicking and screaming yes, but this is part of our story, and necessary to encounter our destiny.  The Heavens, the Ether, the Magical Kingdom, Divine Consciousness, and enjoying connectedness to the ESSENCE OF LIFE within our mother's bellies, this is where we are being called out of, so naturally, we are displeased with the change in our environment.  As babies we bring PURE JOY into the world with us and once we are placed gently into our mother's arms, we are comforted by her nurturing, compassionate Love.  

Ironically enough, at the very beginning of our life, this is where we learn what life is all about...  

but we soon forget.

We are all sent here for different reasons, and this we feel early on as we discover what makes us tick.  Our personal wants and needs become our reason for living and we aspire to "acquire" these things we need to feel accomplished, fulfilled and content in our lives.  What we fail to realize, is that there is nothing outside of ourselves that can get us to that place we long for.  We get so wrapped up in our 'life plans', our desires and the expectations of others.  Life gets so complicated so quickly as we grow up.  Even as early as grade school our lives are riddled with 'shoulds and shouldn'ts'.  WHY?  Because our precious moldable minds get indoctrinated and conditioned to be a certain way.  We think we have so many things to do, places to go, people's expectations to live up to, accomplishments to tick off (so to speak).  

Please understand that I am not blaming any ONE societal ideology, our schools or our parents.  The world we know today is simply, what it is, and it is far from perfect, but this is part of evolution.  Our destiny is but a tiny part of the evolution of our planet and we are connected at the very core to our planet and the universe.  Our collective consciousness as a human race is what determines our outer world so yes, 


When we are cradled in our mother's womb we know the very essence of happiness.  If we can only get back to that pure state of being "ONE" with our mothers and fathers, with our planet and with each other.  I believe that the answer is in stillness.  It's in the simplicity of being.  It's in quieting the mind and listening to your heart.  To do this is hard because there are SO MANY DISTRACTIONS to keep our mind busy!  It takes devotion and it takes proper guidance.  Now, I am not going to preach to you that you must pray, read, or go to church.  I want you to find your true purpose and your highest potential through your own discovery...  you will find the way that works for you.  I simply want to share my journey, and the only way I have found works for me, is through silencing the chatter in my overactive mind.  Whether I'm sitting in meditation, or moving through and balancing in yoga poses.  This gets me to that place where I can feel my divinity.


The Buddha called it "The Middle Way".  The way between science and religion.  THE INNER WAY.  We have a reservoir of untouched waters within us, just waiting for us to discover it's depth.  It will fill us to the brim with happiness and abundance if we slow down and search for it, inside.  It is discovered through quiet reflection, acceptance and forgiveness.  All our past heartbreaks and disappointments have been for a good reason, so that we can forgive others and eventually forgive ourselves.  Forgiveness of all our faults, all our parents faults and their parents faults, through the ancestral line.  This is what will heal the world.  We cannot be of any service to the whole, ie: our families, communities, and our planet, until we find that deep sense of connectedness and forgiveness once again with the loving encouragement of our Divine Mother.  It is in Her arms and with Her Grace that we will return to that joyous state where we are able to change our reality for the greater good and the happiness of all.  

This is the magic of the 23rd Gene Key - Quintessence.  Get to your very core and express your very essence in every moment and you have discovered the secret to a happy life.  You know, deep down, who you are, where you came from and what you are here to do, so no matter what happens in your physical life, you feel a deep sense of joy.  Cut through all the noise.  It's about listening to your inner wisdom, and keeping it simple.  You will encounter simplicity everywhere once you acknowledge all the "noise" for what it truly is - A DISTRACTION, A TEST, A CHANCE FOR A LEAP IN CONSCIOUSNESS WHEN RECOGNIZED AND TRANSCENDED.  We are here in this school of life to remember, what we have so quickly forgotten.  Quintessence is seeing the Light within ourselves, then radiating it outward until soon, we see nothing but Light in everyone and everything, bringing the heavenly compassion of the Mother into our world of form.

In this earlier post I shared some simple mindful breathing and meditation techniques if you are looking for ideas to help silence your mind.   

Much Love to you in your journey.  Thank you for reading!



Beautiful post, Jaime! I found that meditation does help in quieting my mind and bringing joy, but I'm still inconsistent with practicing. I've set a challenge for myself, though, to make it an integral part of life.
Thanks for sharing! :)

Awesome @alcibiades and thank you :) I am still working on making it a regular part of everyday too. It is hard because life gets so busy! I just tell myself to keep making the effort, and I always feel better when I do. If you are having trouble finding a block of time to devote to it right now, then start in small increments of 3 minutes at a time. Take the time when you can, to just close your eyes and breathe.

I find it easiest and most satisfying to do it as part of a 'morning ritual', but yeah, sometimes life gets so busy that I forget to dedicate time for myself. Thanks for the tip :)

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