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RE: (IJCH) Revisiting Spock Logic

in #life7 years ago


The irony is that the original meaning of that phrase was meant strictly for compensation , NOT for measuring severity of punishment.

In other words, it was meant for Civil vice Criminal matters.

Of course, like many terms through the ages (e.g., "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil), it got truncated from "ONLY one eye for an eye" to the simply "An eye for an eye"; totally twisting both its meaning and context.

As for the world? It is what it is...until it isn't, no?

Namaste, my friend.



Well Ayn Rand had a good lecture on money and evil on Atlas Shrugged.

"If eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Gives me 2 impressions. First one is a cycle of revenge. It's bad but doesn't bring be despair. The second impression is what sickens me. It's the impression that we all sinners and punishment or consequence will bring us all to ruin. It's the logic of suicide and one of the main foundation behind atrocities like The Spanish Inquisition. It's a philosophy based on guilt and forgiveness of it.


(Not sure where I read this?)

Money and Religion are the corrupt parents.

And since they will screw anybody, their bastard children (government and education) keep trying to win mommy and daddy's favor over the other bastard children (Admiralty Law, Big Pharma, the War Machine and Corporate Food Producers).

But the whole family keeps their power by making sure everyone else is too distracted to even think that they are the life blood of the vampires from above.

Rather gloomy, no?



I like to keep it simple. Money never corrupts. Period. Money is freedom and opportunity. It merely reveals people. Religion is just communism for spirituality. It's a monopoly over spiritual development that's nothing but a perversion of spiritual growth.

If you understand the above 2 truths, you can manage your actions accordingly. Bad things only keep happening because people let them happen. They just turn the other cheek. I always respect a tyrant more than a coward. In fact I consider the silent masses who allow these war machines to continue as more evil than the tyrants. Evil in it's worst form is banal. Evil is "Well I know it's wrong. But it's not my jurisdiction." That is the face of Evil. The reality is nothing more or less than consequences. A person gives up this and hand over the working of the world to a system of structural violence is the most evil person. A with a mind of his/her own that succumb to not using it.

Ignorance is the root of all evil. Knowing and still not acting is like playing asleep. You can't wake those who refuse to act. The ignorant can be enlightened. But those who see and still turn way from wisdom are beyond redemption.

"You can fix ignorant, but stupid is just plain dangerous." - One of my first Gunny Sargeants

Namaste, my friend.



I should have said "Bankers" instead of money. Money is just stored economical energy to be deployed at a later date. Neither good or bad.

Time really is money and vice-versa. Money frees up the precious string of moments we call life.

