Rethinking my work day

in #life5 years ago


Being a corporate kinda mold .. I was used to the trudgery of waking up, transiting to work, churning the work, transiting home, doing home stuff & then sleeping.

It was fine, secure and all that.

9 to 5

The 9 to 5 hours made sense when we were in an era where you didn't have Electricity.
The sun needed to enter through windows so that the workforce could remain as productive as possible.

Lighting enabled people to work in their workplace longer, varied shifts & so forth.
Essentially, the work still operated from a set location.


Now, with WiFi, the workplace dynamic for an Administrator like me, is now different.
I can work essentially from online (apart from the instability of the NBN internet). I also don't need to work from a specifc locale - I can put my laptop into action at any point.


Your work-life balance also needs to be more disciplined.
I found myself working up until past midnight helping out a client finish some reconciliations - my rate had to remain the same regardless of the, off the clock, traditional "overtime" hours.
But, I was able to start later the next day. Take the kids to/from school, work on other things inbetween working.
I didn't need to commute anywhere.
When I did need to meet up with my client, I rode my bicycle the 8 km distance as I had plenty of time, awesome weather & no need to wear a suit/tie.


Being available to meet new people is also very encouraging, and, at times, frustrating.


Keeping an open mind.
Talking with people.
Listening to people.

You gain a very good insight into differing opinions and where & how people are thinking.
New inputs create new ideas adds more to the mix.

And, amazingly, people want to help!

not so encouraging

At times there are people that just make it harder than it needs to be.
You need to be careful where you step, some people get triggered very easily.
Some people are not so helpful, some people are destructively crtical, competitive & nasty.

Depending on your energy levels & own frame of mind.
It's best to use these situations to toughen yourself up.
They can be the medicine you need to rethink your ideas and direction.

Breathe & enjoy.


The outcome of all of this adjusting and learning a new way of living is squeezing out the goodness.

1. My kids are happier that I am more active in their day to day.

My relationship with my childrens has always been good.
Now I can see it is even better.
They can see the say/do approach. Sometimes as a parent you can be hypocritical about what "they" should do vs what "you" do.
Anyway, it's more fun, even the tough moments are fun as I have time to work with them.

2. My homelife is better

I can invest my time to turn my domicile into what I want it to be.
Man, we created some bad habits. Too much take away food, too much wasted consumerism buying stuff that we don't need.
I am the Capt of this Star Ship Enterprise. Beam me up Scotty!

3. The Why

Why do I do what I do?

When I was made redundant, my daughter was concerned (she turned 13 yesterday).
She asked me, "So, what work will you do next?"
I slyly turned the question back to her. "What work do you think I should do?"
She wisely, simply, replied. "What do you like to do?"

I don't know about you, but, it floored me and is now a short filmclip in my head.

What DO I like to Do?

That is now my quest. To do things that I like to do & find a path to match they to earning money without costing me the enjoyment of living this life.

Live long an prosper!



I'm trying to encourage my partner to do something else that he could work from home too for all the benefits that brings, but he's strongly addicted t the 9-5 (he actually works earlier than those hours and also I think eats lunch at his desk so he can leave earlier but same principle) for the delusion of security that offers which is fair enough because he's the only income earner (my main income independent of his is this aka not great yet, but I'm cautiously optimistic XD) and we have a mortgage and kids that like doing things XD

I think I got lost somewhere, did you find what you like to do and that's what you're working on now or you're working on finding out what it is you want to do?

The safety of slowly dying at your desk is such a depressingly reassuring thing.

I'm not looking for work yet, but I've done some account rec. work for a friend's business which was fun.

I'm just being a Mr.Mum for the most part & building up my networking with people in the industries that I think I might like.

My situation might be a little bit different to yours. I am not rich, but I also don't have any debt.
This gives me a chance to wash off the corporate crap for a few weeks.

I do not miss the corporate world at all - I really thought that I would miss it. I thought it was connected to me so much that I couldn't separate... It's a wonderful feeling of being free.

  1. Changing my behaviour - bad habits that we had developed.
  2. Fixing my mind - I must have been suffering from depression at work - so I have new found energy.
  3. Involving myself in activities/interests and so on that I always said "If I had some time..."
  4. Working out my business idea - I'm in a council run "Entrepreneur" program with a group of local wannabe's like me - it's fun and the networking side is great.
  5. Reconnecting to the things I didn't realise I had cut off - friends, interests and all those back-burner lists.

The most painful things are;

  1. I'm frigging still busy and don't have as much time up my sleeve as I thought I would.
  2. People asking me "Are you looking for work?" or "Have you found a job yet?" and they look at me dismayed that I am not actively looking & it insults them somehow .. then they try to instill a "caring" fear of "what the future will look like..." - haha I am having a break! :P

Mr Mum? Not Dad? Is that a new thing or just a thing I'm not aware of? XD

Yep a bit different, we still have the house to pay off (on the bright side it's the only debt we have). Must be great to not have that hanging over you :D I think that's my partner's biggest issue.

Sometimes I think doing different really brings out the insecurities in people o_O

It's a reference to that movie Mr. Mom back in the day... I'm showing my age? hahaMV5BNmJjMTAwMTktYzkyOC00MWE1LTlkN2QtYjJhOGU1YjRhNzhlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUyMzQ5NzQ@._V1_UY1200_CR163,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

80s movie eh that makes some sense then XD This your first time being a stay home parent? Sounds like your kids are older at least, I think that would probably make it a bit easier? :)

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