The will of God, a challenge to the humanity.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The will of God, a challenge to the humanity.

The will of God?. It is a very used expression between all we, however, some can that they do not understand exactly the what have to do when this thinks . Some believe to be ready and others lose on the way, but beyond all doubt, are many the different thoughts that ciernen in our minds but to the final a wise mind will have the certainty to fulfill the task entrusted. Now well, to deepen a bit will analyze some verses that teachs us to as assume "The will of God".



Know that all we no always have the same opinion, however, the majority have listened or read that in any situation have to have compassion ones of the others, and show the love like brothers. Not directing perverse words, abusive or deceptive. We have to renounce and keep us far of the evil deeds, do all the good that can , and look for the tranquility with all.

In effect, in Pedro 3:10-11 can read :

?The one who want to love the life and enjoy of happy days,
that refrain his tongue to speak the bad
and his lips of uttering deceptions;
that apart from the bad and do the good;
that it look for the peace and follow it.?

Because God, looks after the just, and occupies of them. Anybody will be able to neither will have to prejudice to which promote and show the example of Christ, that is the goodness and the misericordia in front of his followers.



On the other hand, in our day in day out see and listen to a lot of people show the interest in changing his lives of some form. They think in the excellence, want to a lot of belongings, in addition to wishing enjoy of the ideas and practical of this world, eyesight goes of the reality, and of the most important things like the word of God, to these people the Gentleman will not open the door of the blessing, health and salvation because has his enclosed Bible. And to the one who have it open will give him regocijo and protection, here will find that the only that really has value, is that our life was pleasant under the ?Will of the gentleman? It was cual was the circumstances.

This message can read through Romans 12:2

"They do not adapt to the current world,
but are transformed by means of
the renewal of his mind.
Like this they will be able to check which is the will of God,
good, pleasant and perfect."




To continuation leave some verses that show what God wants that we do, for his grace, after doing everything to his will

Deuteronomio 30:16

Today I order you that you love to the Gentleman your God, that walk in his ways, and that fulfill his commandments, precepts and laws. Like this you will live and you will multiply you, and the Gentleman your God will bless you in the earth of which go to take possession.


Juan 16:33

I have said them these things so that in me find peace. In this world will face afflictions, but encourage! I have won to the world.


Corintios 15:57

But thank heaven, that gives us the victory by means of our Gentleman Jesus Christ!


Roman 12:21

You do not leave you win by the bad; on the contrary, it wins the bad with the good.


Lucas 1:37

Because for God there is not at all impossible.


This has been all by the moments, expect was him of utility to give him a new course to the way to see the things.

Thank you very much by his attention


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