Evil Lurks Beneath the Surface...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I hate Christmas shopping. I often buy gifts for people months in advance, and not just because I find it amusing once in a while to leave a present wrapped in candy-cane-print paper on a shelf in July to plague the curiosity of a sibling for nearly 6 months. No, I hate the over-crowded, under-staffed shopping experience that seems to swell in December.

Un-Scrooge-ified, non-Grinchy source image

Today, while trying to track down an item, first there was no one to help. Then, when I found someone, their help was entirely unhelpful. Finally, I checked their store app on my phone to see whether I could find it myself. Joy of joys, it even listed the exact shelf location! But that part of the store had been restocked with seasonal yuletide decor, and what I wanted was nowhere to be found.

This is when that evil voice in the back of my head told me to just grab random stuff off the shelves and fling it on the floor like a petulant toddler's tantrum until someone actually offered some real help. I resisted the urge this time, but retail workers beware. The volcano could blow at any time. Mwahahahahahaha!


I find myself resisting the very strong urge to tip the christmas displays over just for the pure satisfaction of hearing the cacophony of tinkling sounds as the items go careening across the floor.

I confess I'd never thought about doing that....until you mentioned it.....now I will have to try not to think of it every time I enter a store this month!

Are you sure you're not at least part housecat?

I do have some similar proclivities... Attitude seems to be one of the most glaring.

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