RE: Chainsaw Repair
I love chainsaws @makinstuff but I constantly remind myself that they are a very unforgiving tool and try to always have a second person around when I am using one especially when felling large trees or trees in areas with dense growth because so much can go wrong so fast with them. Just go slow and be careful.
I like the idea of visiting your place but I seldom travel anywhere and with the dogs it is super tricky but who knows what the future might hold. For now I will do my best to follow what you are doing with the videos and your posts and give you my advice as I can.
The first thing to really get a good grasp on with your place is how the water flows across the surface during rain (and especially heavy rain) events and design around that. What I try to do is work with the contours (where the water flows) so that my runoff from buildings etcetera waters my gardens. Also there is a lot of good Forestry Department information out there on building water breaks and water diversions to get it flowing where you want it to go.