Fear of public speaking ? Get over it!

in #life7 years ago


Yes, every one of you out there fears something or the other in your life. But, what you fail to notice is none of you were born with that fear. Fear is just a negativity created sometimes by you and sometimes by the society in your mind. Some of you fear “Ghosts”. Like seriously? Have you ever seen them? Has the Ghost ever come and harmed you?
No! But you were raised to believe that Ghosts are the spirits that one needs to fear. What you need to remember is that fear can be destroyed as easily as it can be created but it all depends on whether we want to or not?
Always remember, your mind is a lush land with potential and possibility. Properly cultivated, it will lead you to greatness. Filled with negativity, it will lead you to mediocrity. There is nothing painful or pleasant. It’s your thinking that makes it so.

Fear of Public Speaking

For many of you out there public speaking might be the biggest fear, you might fear it more than death itself. But Why do you fear public speaking??? Is it because of lack of command over the language or you think you are not presentable or you are completely set and yet you feel hell nervous? Reasons might be numerous but all you need to remember is no one is perfect. People learn with try and error. Standing in front of the public about to deliver your speech and you are haunted by your fears, STOP!! Take a deep breath and think. What's the worst that could happen? People will walk off or laugh at you or throw eggs and tomatoes at you? Let them.
Why do you let that affect you? Why do u take it in a negative manner? I mean if people are going to walk off then great let them. You complete your talk, you walk off and you walk off with the satisfaction that you tried because not everybody has the courage to face the crowd. If the crowd laughs at you then you should actually feel good you know because your talk got the crowd laughing! You almost did the job of a professional comedian. Tomatoes and Eggs!! Well, I don't think anyone travels with eggs and tomatoes in their bags while they attend events, but even if some gets thrown at you well the Eggs and Tomatoes that would smash on your face, Good for your skin you know? And for the unmeshed ones you can carry them home, like they say when life gives u lemons make lemonade and when crowd gives you Eggs and Tomatoes make Omelet and Soup.
So condition your mind to be positive and just go for it. For starters talk before a small crowd may be your family or your friends (making sure there aren’t people who would want to bring you down).One day you will finally conquer your fear and deliver a great speech before the huge crowd and will earn applause and appreciation. And that day you will feel so liberated, so at liberty, there won't be any boundaries to your ideas or thoughts, you will be able to give your opinion anywhere anytime without hesitation and you will be heard. You will not depend on someone else to speak for you. With this independence, you will see a great progress in your professional and personal life.

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