[ENG&JPN] Grow The Community And It Grows You! // コミュニティを育てる、そしてコミュニティがあなたを育てる!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Introducing the Japanese Community in Warsaw // ワルシャワの日本人会

Hi guys, it's Yuta here. (The Japanese man lives in Warsaw.) Today, I'd like to share with you "THE JAPANESE COMMUNITY IN WARSAW"!

Well, not entirely, I mean some of my experiences with them.



I am a firm believer! // コミュニティという繫りを信じる事。

I don't know it's because I spent some of my time in a small community in the past,
I am a believer of it.
And, I am so happy to be in this community and hoping to be able to contribute more!


Just what do we do? // 活動は?

We play Softball during the summer. // 夏の間はソフトボール大会があります。

I play tennis with them. // テニスもしてます。

I ran the Warsaw marathon. // マラソンも日本代表で走りました!w

Japanese Festival (My Video blog)// 日本祭り(vlog動画)

So many with great talents! // 才能あふれる人々

Mini Concert // ミニコンサート

Origami Workshop // 折り紙わーくしょっぷ

Manga Workshop //漫画ワークショップ

Calligraphy // 習字

We are awesome! // すごいでしょう?

We are an open community and active in social medias.
Therefore, many poles have joined in here.
If you are coming to Warsaw, please check one of our events!


Other Videos // 動画
ワルシャワで花見? Hanami (The Cherry Blossom Festival) in Warsaw!

AniMatsuri (Anime Festival) In Warsaw, // ポーランドでアニメ祭り

Japanese Calligraphy in Warsaw, Poland! // ワルシャワで習字教室?

Thank you so much for reading till the end! I wish you all the best and see you guys soon!



If you like this article, you might be interested in my other blogs below!


"Japanese Guy Tries Polish SUSHI! // ポーランドの寿司を食べてみた"

"The Community For The Young Japanese People // 日本の若い人のためのコミュニティー" This time we went to an Italian Restaurant // 今回はイタリアンへ

"The Japanese Community In Warsaw // 日本人のコミュニティー"

Let's Try Polish Hot Chocolate! // ポーランドのホットチョコを!

So... I Could't Make It To The 2016 Oktoberfest.. BUT! // オクトーバーフェストには行ませんでしたが・・

U Fukier // ウ・フキエル

YouTube: iYuta -->

Web Site: iYuta -->


SteemIt Japan is the brainchild of @rubellitefae & @iyuta.
スティミットジャパンは @rubellitefae@iyuta の発案です。

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