The Many Faces and The Border

in #life7 years ago


We have no border that links from country to country like America and Mexico, South Korea and North Korea or any other countries that need the security that separates them from other nations. We have no border that requires inspections of your car's compartments and even under-hood, checking your baggage, examining the other package that you have on you while you're on travel and may jeopardize the nation's security and others.

We are free from any borders of our neighboring country. No necessary papers to check up on. Anyone can easily penetrate our place because our security is not as strict as in developed countries like the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, etc. Even some of the extremists can pass the sea without noticing it via by boats coming from the four corners of the sea with the help from the relatives and friends of the same conviction.

Millions upon millions of people crosses borders every day. In the recent news such as the Syrian refugees managed to cross the borders from different countries to name a few like France, Germany and others. Their faces reminded us of the  conditions in their own place, a country devastated by terrorist, rebels and the terrorists with no future to look upon, has no hope and undetermined status quo that will lead them into destitution and poverty more than the informal settlers here in my country, the Philippines.

These faces are people from walks of life. They are families, father, mother, husband, mother, brother, sister who aimlessly drifts from border to border, fleeing the bombed-out country. There are bad elements in the world who take this opportunity to mix themselves into the horde, such as terrorists, whether international or local who like to terrorize with massive explosives like human bombs, or plant a bomb anywhere in a busy district or commercial place just to carry out their plan. Innocent people are left for dead or injured.

Some refugees are considering to permanently leave their country, or if they are lucky they can find a new place or temporarily stay in a neighbouring country which is happening now or will happen again in the future. There is always a political outcry that some countries are harbouring terrorists, extremists and the like. I was wondering why some of their comrades or any country in the Arab world to protect their own (terrorist/rebel brothers (if this is true that they are cuddling terrorists or rebels). The condition of the refugee can be a depressing to see. Even their brothers who are in other parts of the world are having a hard time helping them. They didn't ask for this to happen to them, but what they want now are trying to survive and make a living, if this is possible, even if they are in another country where their future is hanging by a thread not knowing if they can exist there.

The refugees who run for their lives and left their country only wanting to live in peace and to have a better life. But with the conflict in their country no one knows for sure how long it will take to settle the dust. Will they then have the possibility to return to their homeland safe and sound again? We may never know, we can only speculate how life will treat them in the next decades to come. 

San Mateo, Rizal
September 14, 2017

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Yes we have no border that is why we wont allow that Mindanao will be separated as another country as like what terrorist Abu sayaff ask from the government to separate Mindanao to Philippines thats why this terrorist people are doing terrorism to declare war.

It will never happen! Tsk! ASG is asking for a bread to turn it into stone! NO WAY!

We are the world.

Yes we are! And we have to take care of our own. It's a good thing we don't have borders, but our borders are proliferated withe bad elements, etc.!

that's what we are

I hope you are not referring to the refugees elmcee1813, because we don't have borders...

Sad that man has to flee his home because of a few power and blood hungry leaders. Hope the world in the coming decades will be more peaceful.

We will be looking for that "peaceful" moment we are aiming for.

It is good not to have borders. People should be free to move

right on stbrians! and you are right we are free!


Freedom, indeed...

it's sad but sometimes there is noting we really can do esp in other countries

Realy sad but true!

It's really difficult to take in these things... I pity everyone, especially the kids who must have a bright future ahead of them... Quite frustrating that we can't do anything about it... T_T

All we could offer is our prayers... no matter what religion we have... or what god we adore...

We will always be one sir.

Yeah that's true. Lack of security,terrorist can enter anywhere. It's need much attention.

Security in our country should be given priority or else we will be an easy target for them!

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