in #life6 years ago (edited)

As promised, I sat down and wanted to share with you my experience while being on the ketogenic diet for AN ENTIRE WEEK (yes, you, laugh). One week might sound like nothing, but believe me, IT WAS THE WORST WEEK in the history of me restricting my eating habits and portions.

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SHORT PRE-HISTORY: I have always been a fat kid. Even when I lost weight and now can brag of BMI 20.6, a lot of people can not believe that once my family doctor told me to start changing my diet (I was diagnosed with GRADE 1 OF OBESITY). My goal has always been to find a balance. I never wanted to starve myself to death, and especially now, when I started working out, energy for me is crucial... You see, my goal is to be healthy and strong.

So, I have been working out daily for half of the year, but have not noticed any drastic difference. My brother, who is our family's Google, advised me to try the KETO DIET. Well, it was more like a challenge... and challenges for me is something that I live for. Okay. We made a deal. 1 week. It should not be that difficult right? Right? 😱

WhatsApp Image 2018-10-27 at 11.44.53.jpeg
(yeah, for ketogenic diet take out those carb-full to-ma-toes)

For those who are not familiar with the term KETOGENIC (HELL) DIET, let me just explain briefly. It is a high-fat, adequate-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. This diet forces the body to start burning fats instead of carbohydrates (SINCE YOU DO NOT GET ENOUGH OF THOSE).

Now my KETOGENIC week with INTERMITTENT fasting I have been doing for a quite a bit.

1st day. As usual, dark, sugar-free coffee. All rainbows🌈 and petals 🌺. It was fun. I started with 2 eggs with salmon and avocado. Did my workout. Post-workout meal (chicken breast + olive oil + broccoli). Snack (broccoli with garlic and a bit of olive oil). Dinner with carbs-free natural yoghurt with few drops of stevia. I have easily reached my daily calories intake. Happy went to sleep.

2nd day. All rainbows 🌈 and petals 🌸. Did quite the same thing. Except for the workout and broccoli was changed with green beans.

3rd day. All rainbows 🌈 without the petals 🌸. First day's menu with workout. Slight headache.

4th day. No rainbow. 2nd day menu and additional spinach situation and hard cheese as a snack with abnormal dizziness.

5th day. PAIN 😡. An unbearable headache, feeling of murdering someone without any reason, heartache while doing the workout (had to extend it, because could not do at my normal pace). 1st-day menu with additional spinach and instead of one carb-free yoghurt ate two (so, additional 141cals).

6th day. PAIN 😡 + a HEADACHE, HEARTACHE, MOOD, DIZZINESS. 2nd-day menu with having salmon for an entire day.

6th day. Night. Woke up with a slight feeling of something heavy on my chest, headache (did I wake up with it or I just have fallen asleep with it?) and wanting to eat bread so badly. I have never in my entire life woke up wanting to eat.

7th day. Can not move my ass'et. Liying in the bed.

RESULTS: -1kg, -1cm from waist and hips.

Would I repeat it ever again? NO.
Is it sustainable? HELL NO. Our bodies need carbs to function. Our brains need fructose and sugar in general. Cutting carbs from your diet is not healthy. Cutting them to 20 grams when you need around 220 grams (if I want to lose 0,5kg per week) is INSANE. I was told that I actually had to continue, because my body was changing into ketosis and started burning fat. But you know, what?

I just had the best breakfast CONTAINING THIS slice of whole-grain bread that has 19 grams of CARBS (6,6 of which are fibres!), one entire egg and one egg white with peppers and salt and AVOCADO 🥑 and I have never been happier.

WhatsApp Image 2018-10-27 at 11.39.50.jpeg

I would like to hear others who tried this, maybe your experience was more positive, but this is how it was for me.

See you later, carbs-full-eater!


This is really amazing and also wonderful to know about the food. Thanks for posting such, I just can't wait to have a taste of it

lol, the best piece on steemit so far :D GREAT WRITING SKILLS!

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