Life Changing- My One Week Experience on Steemit - 100% @island-girl real Life story

in #life7 years ago (edited)

To be honest, Steemit has tremendously changed my life in the past days. This is more than just a social media or a blockchain related platform. Based on my own experience,  Steemit is really a life changing community.

Steemit can change your life just like what you see in this photo I took at the Family park. At first look, I thought this was a flower but as I looked closer to it, I found out it's a fruit flunting out what's inside her ! Those are seeds just waiting for the right moment to bloom in time.

I've been here for over a week now. In fact I have received my first SBD reward! I was happy like a kid! It's not that much but my friend said 1SBD could already buy me something,  maybe I could already buy 2 pieces of fried chicken with rice and enjoy a happy meal lol. I'm just a very simple person who enjoys life. I don't care much about the SBD for now, but I always feel happy when I bring a smile or touch someone's heart to whatever I will share here. I know myself I write awful and I struggle for words to use but at this very moment I'm writing this out of the emotions coming deeply from my heart and my brain turns them into these words you're all reading right now. 

" I feel like I'm in a huge deep ocean  full of big  whales! "

I've read a few more blogs here lately,  and it's amazing and inspiring to see how people brilliantly express their thoughts and ideas in a beautiful way.

Just like this trending blog of @surfermarly I read today , it's very inspiring how Steemit made her dreams in to reality, you can read her post here.

I'm not at my best at the moment,  I have so much to learn but hopefully with more hardwork and determination I will get there someday.  

My brother made this beautiful painting called "Metamorphosis". I was looking at it for a while and also gave me inspiration to write this post. Change can be really difficult at first but through it we learn and become better . 

I also want to give credit to my amazing friend @solarguy for all his tips and advises, he really made a big difference in my life. I wish I could repay him oneday for all that he did.  He's very patient and kind. You can check out his blogs too! It's all worth reading for . Promise!


I will keep this post short here. Thank you again for the time and I hope you enjoyed reading and find something out of my short Steemit experience.

© 100% @island-girl life and photography


Amazing photography thanks for sharing...

You're very much welcome! @kavinpeterson. I'm glad you like them. I like taking photos whenever I can. You surely deserve an upvote being the first one to comment.

I love Steemit, too. I agree with you completely, Steemit is really a life changing community. And @solarguy is our common Steemit friend!
Oh. what is the fruit in your photo?

Hello @ginafraser! Thank you for such a lovely comment and I really appreciate your time reading as in I really do. Wow! that's so cool that @solarguy and you are also friends. Small world isn't it? 😃

I don't know what that fruit is. But I find it interesting and just took a snap.

Oh. I only know @solarguy online, not in reality. But he is a very kind and friendly person, a good teacher in China.

Yes, he is, uh.. oh..seems he heard us talking lol!

People who live simple lives are generally very happy people.

Thank you @mattt. I do agree with what you said. The key to a happy life is being contented with what you have but sometimes life will push us beyond the limits of our minds so we can do more and live happier.

I heard my name. Your brother has a talent for painting.

I'm glad you're enjoying Steemit. Sometimes it's like a roller coaster. Its gone through s many changes since it started and it has certainly changed my online habits.

I like surfermarly too.

Haha you did.. @ginafraser and I should have lowered our voices then 😅 Glad you liked my brother's painting. I'll share more of his painting here soon of course with his permission. Steemit has really changed my online habits too, this is the first site I open when I wake up in the morning and before I go to bed.

Yep I've followed @surfermarly too so I could read more of her post. Glad you also like her blogs.

I am glad you are enjoying your journey on steemit. Tell your brother his painting is outstanding.

Hello @sunscape 😃 I'm really happy to read your comment. Yeah it has been like a roller coaster ride but I'm having fun here on Steemit. So many interesting people and blogs to read..hopefully in time I will learn, discover more and write better contents. I'll surely tell my brother, thank you! I'm glad you like his painting, I'm hoping to share more of his art works in the future. I will be checking on your blogs too!

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