Remnants of the Ancient Lost Pines Fire

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Remnants of the Ancient Lost Pines Fire

I had a dream last night that I was lost in a forest that was desolate and void of life.

I woke up remembering the Lost Pines.

When I first moved to Texas in 2014 I lived across the street from the Lost Pines Forest.

Sadly, 3 years prior, Texas had experienced the most destructive wildfire in their history, leaving most of the Lost Pines Forest ecosystem in ruins.

34,068 acres were scorched by 3 separate wildfires that merged due to high winds from Tropical Storm Lee. The initial fires were caused by downed power lines and spread quickly due to the high winds, severe heat, and drought.

The devastating fire took 2 months to completely extinguish.
The disaster caused 2 deaths and $325 million in damages.

1,691 homes were destroyed, along with many of the Bastrop State Park National Historic Landmarks that were built during the Great Depression.

The fire destroyed 96% of the Bastrop State Park, which contains a large portion of the Lost Pines Forest.
Scorched trees and Earth, the remains of a once thriving ecosystem left in ruins.

When we moved there in 2014, we used to take our evening walks through the desolate park.
It was always quiet, and a bit sad, but still beautiful in its own way.

Volunteers continue to work to bring the ecosystem back to life.
Nature always finds a way to survive and thrive in balance as the greenery of the forest finds its way home again.

Most of the once beautiful Pine trees are still scorched and leafless, but the surrounding forest floor is slowly returning to life as the beauty of nature overcomes its devastating past.


Most of these photos were taken by @swelker101 with our Canon 60D, but the photos of the wildfire and resulting damage are from google images.
Whoever took that photo along Highway 21 showing The Lost Pines completely ablaze is one brave soul.


I saw it in the news then on cnn. Quite sorry about that, nature has a way of replenishing itself and balancing for whats lost, i believe the pine forest will be revived into a monumental beauty which you'll be happy to dream about.

Yes, it's taking quite a long time, but I believe you are correct!

I'm sorry to hear this happened to those lovely surroundings! And glad at the same time nature shows it is strong and is trying to get back.
Gorgeous environment for pictures though <3

I know right? I bet you would capture some beautiful shots there with your photography skills. We aren't photographers...we just have a camera. lol

Well, for people who aren't photographers I believe the first portrait of you is GORGEOUS! I love the hues - and the way you look into the camera :D

If you ever need a special picture to be enhanced in a way or want some feedback - don't hesitate to ask me! I especially love editing pictures!

@isaria - beautiful but tragic photos of the Lost Pines Blaze. I had not heard of this before and it is an interesting story. I have been to Hawaii, and on the Big Island, the lava flows constantly take out trees and other life. But, somehow life always bounces back, renewed another day.

That is the circle of life- new coming on to replace the old!

Very true...I bet Hawaii is so beautiful....I hope to go there one day.

There is a very odd beauty about death and rebirth. I remember those fires... scary stuff. I know growing up in Texas, wildfires are something that can run rampant when it's severely dry... And it sucks that some historical buildings were destroyed. Great set of shots though!

Thank you! Oh wow you grew up in Texas and live in Missouri right?
I grew up in Missouri and live in Texas now! lol

Haha! Yes and how weird, huh? ;) I love the hooded jacket!

My local pine forest burnt last Summer, I visited last Saturday, still a bare bone of a forest... :( So now I have to drive further and my local grove is gone, I also made a photoshoot the day after it burnt, it was symbolic I guess and your pictures reminded me of it, it´s sad, :( but keep on visiting it, walking it, sing to it... It will grow! Beautiful photos!

Thank you! Sorry that happened to your local forest too, it is so sad.

Whenever I see a forest burns it makes me so sad, I get anxious thinking of chicks in their nests or little baby critters in their lairs absolutely helpless and it makes me cry. There is always so much loss of life. As for my local grove it was a small one but the joy of my morning walks. Still struggling and still smelling like cinders. Keep on visiting yours, I loved your pics. Thanks for caring.

Crazy imagery, jeez. Wildfires are no joke.

Great pictures though, you're so stylish 😁

lol Thank you Harrison!

Sad and happy... Hope the forest will live once again as it use to do

What a beautiful story, very sad what happened with that place! I hope you can read my last post I talk about the incredible city of New York

Its really sad to see our nature dying this but its heartening too to see people trying to get it back. Love nature and it will love you in million ways.. Keep moving

It is great that there are so many volunteers trying to help it grow back, thanks for your comment!

The story of the wildfire is a very unfortunate and aad one. I hope the beauty of nature fully returns to this desolate region.

Me too :(

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