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RE: Emotional Intelligence is an essential skill to master. Inspired by Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry,

in #life7 years ago

If a person cannot control their emotions and becomes 'triggered' by an image or phrase demonstrate a very low EQ. This is something we MUST train the next generation, to control anger, offense, sadness, etc.

If we teach our children that "it's good to express your anger!" or "it's good to express your sadness", or "get in touch with your feelings" we are essentially telling our children "don't control your emotions, allow yourself to be controlled by your emotions". It's great programming:

If we see an advertisement that makes us laugh, and we connect emotionally with the product or service and cannot resist making that purchase. If we read a news article that makes us mad, we become irrationally attached to the cause.

We become emotional beings (with rationality), rather than rational beings (with emotions). It's no wonder we are seeing this generation be so emotional and we see outrageous attempts to make everyone pander to these emotions, no matter how irrational they are. @ironshield

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