EXODUS * Episode 1

in #life7 years ago

Tropical temperatures in Munich made writing impossible these days.

  • For all of you waiting for EXODUS * Episode 1 a big Thank You for the patience.

Now Recap => EXODUS * Intro Episode

... and here we continue


There is a solar system with eight planets, some of them solid, some gas.
The third one, named Ines after a goddess from long time ago is where the People live.

The People had fought their wars – long time ago; now there was understanding and harmony. The People had different colors, different creed and religion but they shared the same belief –that their planet was sacred.

They had monetary exchange, there was trading – but there was also governance and taxes on the profits. It had to be so, to cover the cost of education, hospitals, roads and such.

This solar system is on the other spiral arm from Earth’s spiral arm. Thus, it is impossibly far away; also mentally.
The People of Ines knew about Earth, and its demise. They knew what was happening, and the causes.

With their systems of communication through the subspace, they followed the development on Earth, and also the inevitable Exodus.

For them it was the madness of “What If?” but they could not act, only nudge. And nudge they did.
It would still be another five hundred years before they made contact.


There are those that believe it does not matter what humans do to the planet.
The truth of the matter is that the air has 80% nitrogen in it. We do not breathe nitrogen. Plagues do.

Once the really big plague came to the Eastern Africa and killed most of the maize production, nearly one hundred million starved. When the India Ocean temperature rose another two degrees Celsius, half the fish population died, and more people starved.

On the Golden Coast of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef had died, and alongside it; 25% of the fish. The nitrogen level got even higher; the oxygen lowers – also due to the jungles diminishing, as well as the Amazonas.

Humans were committing a slow communal suicide by strangulation. This is strange, considering the fact that nitrogen is so important to plant life; and a major part of the artificial plant nutrition – from pot flowers to maize.

Whether you walk down a dusty road in Delhi – or drive through the Kansas countryside, or are driving through the middle of Australia; you have to wonder how important the human contribution has been to the changes of the climate.
If not you are an idiot.


There are those that believe it does not matter what humans do to the planet.
The truth of the matter is that the air has 20% oxygen in it. We need oxygen. Fish need it, animals need it. Plagues don’t.

The Amazonas, the Sierra Leone; the Congo – they all provide the oxygen needed for the living; they all provide for the Earth’s survival.

The humans had by the end of the 22-nd century depleted most of the natural resources, including the minerals and the rain forests – and continued breeding new babies that have to be fed.

The difference from before is that now, everyone is living long lives; there is no sickness anymore – and whatever medical condition can be treated. In fact, you live as long as you bother to live.

At the beginning of the 23rd century, the problems start to sink in – that there simply enough was not enough oxygen for the total of 9 billion – and of course: Not enough food to feed them all.

Mona Lisa said it over the video-link: “I have been to the Amazonas watching them chopping down the trees for the farmers; totally insane if you ask me – what were they thinking?”

This was a part of the video conference the UN Secretary General Kenyani had established that morning and he answered in earnest: “They did not know better at that time. Now we have the science and the true facts in front of us.”

“The facts were there since the 1960’s, “Mona Lisa answered; “before I was born!”
“If you are referring to the American scientists and their Antarctica expeditions at that time, then remember that the Mc Murdock station came to be stablished almost half a century after the Norwegian Nansen and Amundsen expeditions, “he retorted.

“That may be so, but cities like London and Chicago managed to turn the water systems to avoid the sewage to come into the drinking water even in the late 19-th century so why can’t we fix the problems we have now – almost three centuries later,

“Mona Lisa answered back.

“Well, it will take around two hundred years to grow new rain forests in the Amazonas and from Sierra Leone and inland - shall we ask people to hold their breath in the meantime?”

“Let us just complete the Ladder as Lankenua is working on, and get away – as long as we make sure there will be no fossil powered vehicles wherever we travel to – and no fire pits!”

“I am going to miss my mother’s jiko, “Kenyani answered with a grin.

Christina was there too: “I am sure we can make a good simulation – even with the smell and the virtual smoke to make you happy enough.”

“Oh yeah! That’s right – you have your own version of the grill, “he said.

“Hehe, that is true – but ours is only on Midsummer Night’s Eve, “she answered – “and we only grill some hot dogs.”

The discussion continued...

To sustain enough oxygen for those who would not leave, they calculated with a maximum of one billion humans. There was also the problem with having enough livestock to feed them; also vegetables.

At this time the atmosphere was so damaged, the oxygen level could not sustain more than a fraction of that. On Kenyani’s orders the committee made the final decision and the work could start, spearheaded by Michelle Danielle and the three female engineers.

It also has to be noted that China at this stage was already suffering very badly from the pollution – a large percentage of the population had developed various deceases from the lack of clean air; just as India a century earlier.

Nevertheless, it did not help Russia on the war against China as also their soldiers suffered with the poor air conditions.
In the end, both nations lost.

! You can perhaps win a war, but the important issue is to win the peace, or as Sun Tzu once said: To not have to fight.

... to be continued.
next: EXODUS * Episode 2


Nice read iodoorclubmunich...I`m fighting with a plague of african insects conquering my home...

No problem MM - look at the facts like on a movie ;)

No problem MM - look at the facts like on a movie ;) ... and thanks for your kind appreciation. Stay tuned and prepare for a following exiting read my friend. D'accord it will not be easy to read, but I assure you it is a thriller... I'll try to bring up the episodes on a daily basis if I will not be attacked by your big african insects too

Hi! You will love it here! :)

Thanks buddy, sure - here, there and everywhere :)

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