A Sobering Thank You Letter from Anonymous. Don't wait for New Years to make a Resolution.

in #life7 years ago

At this time of the year, everyone is always talking about New Years Resolutions. Most of them deal with losing weight, quitting smoking, giving up something bad for them. But they rarely last and two weeks into January they are right back where they were December 31st.

This is the true story of an incident that occurred at my mothers house this past July.

It affirms my belief that certain times of the year, such as New Years and the endless resolutions, and giving thanks on Thanksgiving, and loving up your significant other on Valentines Day...(I think it's great we do those things like give thanks for what we have and love someone up.) But, imo, these are things we should be doing every day. Not just one day out of the year.

I was told firsthand this story on a visit to my moms house. She lives about 30 minutes West of Minneapolis on 7 acres. There are 4 houses on the cul-de-sac, hers being the second, first on the right. I elaborate on the location because unless you had planned on coming onto this road, you wouldn't. So it was odd for the beginning of this story to start like this,

"There was this guy walking up our driveway".

That just doesn't happen at my moms house unless it is pre-planned. It's a long driveway and not even visible from the main road in the Summer because of the foliage. I had no idea where this was going, but it seemed like it was meant to be, regardless what was about to unfold.

My mom went out to greet this young man and asked him what he was doing there. She noticed he looked a little out of sorts. He said that his car had broken down and was wondering if he could use an outlet on the outside of our house to charge his phone. My mom, being my mom, of course let him and offered him something to drink as it was really hot out that day. He declined and said he had a friend coming to pick him up.

My moms husband then went out and asked if he needed a ride, a jump start, anything. He again politely refused and said he was getting picked up. They watched him through the window sitting on their front stoop, acting quite unusual. It was definitely the first time anyone had walked up our driveway unannounced and everyone in the houses interest was piqued at what was going on. It was so uncommon for this to happen here. And then just like that, he hopped in a car and was gone. Apparently he had left a thank you note on the stoop, but it can't be found.

A few weeks, maybe a month go by and my mom gets a letter in her mailbox

It reads:

To the folks at 4575
The generosity and kindness that was shown to me was a blessing in disguise July 2nd, 2017. Unfortunately your household was in the mists of a person under the influence and acting as if. For that I am unable to express how sorry I am. As I sat on the stoop of your beautiful home I realized a tow truck wasn't the only help I needed to call for. I hope this is the last time folks will see the person I was that day. I will not forget that day because July 3rd is now my sober date. Thank you for the power so I could get the help I needed!
God Bless


What a letter to receive. If there is something you want to change in your life, don't wait for New Years to do it. Don't wait for Thanksgiving to be thankful for all that you have been blessed with. Don't wait for valentines day to spoil your spouse or girlfriend. Be present in the moment and live life.

I wish you all a Happy New Year. God Bless and Steem on!!!


Wow! That's a great story - and really a good point! Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks so much. Glad you thought it was as touching as I did.

I hope he sticks to his plan though and stays on the straight and narrow.

July 3rd is a very special day for me as well!

God Bless ya'll.

Awesome! Care to elaborate?

Not at this moment. The more i read your posts and comments the more of a negative wibe i got. Nothing personal, you might be a great in person human.
The letter your parents received is really cool and also telling me that you are likely a good person aswell but just not the wibe i will be enjoying here.
P.s. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at the pics, appreciated.

Take care mate!

Hmmm...never been told that before. But Ok. Peace man.

beautiful post, I like, stop by my account and upvote

Thanks but no thanks.

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