Why doesn't @intelliguy write more often? I only write 2-3 times a week. WHY IS THAT?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Some people wonder why I rarely post.. why do days pass before you hear from me. THIS IS IMPORTANT...


I really want to explain this about me.. and I feel like it is a situation that is overdue.

I spend a lot of my life watching, learning, observing, and only take the time to post something if I feel it is of real value to my followers.

There are times when I think "gee @intelliguy, you haven't posted in 3 days. post something"

..and I won't..

...and I'm proud of myself when I don't... because if I have nothing significant to say, or something significant to share to all of you.. I just won't.

I find my best posts are those where I have a fire burning inside of me... something I desperately need to talk about and to share... of something I've learned, that you all deserve to know, before I post.

  • I do that for respect of my readers.

  • I do that for respect of myself.

My attitude is that I need to be able to give something to you all, in order to receive something back. I think that's just common sense.

You take part of your life to read my posts and upvote them. Surely my posts need to be of substance and quality and for you to learn something by reading them.

So yes... I'm not a frequent poster, and that's deliberate.

I won't ever try to waste your time, just to get upvotes to my blog posts.

I hope that earns me a little respect by those that take the time to read what I write.

I've watched people who churn out content (like butter) every single day, multiple times a day, just to earn votes and steem. I'm not like that...

This doesn't make me better. It just makes me different.

I like being different.

So those that have found value in my previous posts (and scroll through my blog, you should see value)... I owe you an explanation and I wanted to give you one.

Those that are keen and ripe for good tips, information, and things that can really help will continue following me, because that is my goal. I try to share the hard-earned wealth of information I want to share with you all.

So if you are patient and continue to follow me, I will deliver on that promise to only post meaningful important things.

I don't know what made me write this tonight, it just felt right to do it. I owe a sincere appreciation to all of you who take the time to read @intelliguy postings and I want take this moment to thank each and one of you.

QUESTION: What do you have to say about this? I'd love to hear from you.


The most important thing is the quality of the contents. I also prefer the quality than quantity. Spamming is not a better option!! Nice post !! :)

Thank you for your depth and brevity. It is a refreshing change. Will be sure to follow for new content.

I think we should all knock out dozens of posts everyday and potentially earn several dollars.

Fast and crappy is wonderful...

Agree with you. Sometimes the good ideas and inspirations take longer than desired. Forcing yourself to post needless articles may bring you to be discarded by your followers.
Keep posting on quality

do not post just for the sake of posting ;)

This made me feel better about my own 'strategy' (strategy = a vague notion in my head about how often I want to commit to posting). Being an active member of the community is time consuming - especially for those of us who have other jobs/families/etc.

I stopped coming on here for a while in part because I felt overwhelmed by all Steemit has to offer in a sense. How I wanted to get involved and write and comment and reply to all comments - but that could easily take up the entire week.

I like the balance you suggest in your post - the freedom of just doing it when you can, and when you want. It shouldn't be an obligation...somehow I can make even the things I love the most in life an obligation and source of stress lol. Love your attitude!

I can't post all day every day either. For lack of time and subject, so I only do so whenever I have the time/inspiration.

Thanks, for letting me know I'm not alone. :)

Keep up your quality. Im noticing Im really eager to write a lot at the moment because of the SBD price, but writing something good is what it essentially is about.
Dont fall for it

I don't write much or often because I am too busy curating, working the homestead and looking after my family.

I love this approach. This is how you do good for yourself and good for others. Use that fire to drive you! When it's not there, take a break and find it again. I used to be the same but I also had a bit too much negativity and so I wasn't doing as great as I should have been. Now I feel so much fire that I am churning out posts at a pretty crazy rate, but that's just cause the fire is there. When it calms down, so will my posting frequency.

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