Turning a new leaf... Positivity seems like a small thing, but it is the most powerful thing we have....

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately. I've come to realize that positive thoughts are undervalued.


Life is about the way you look about things...

  • Life can be extremely hard, sour, and terrible.

With NOTHING changed other than the way you see it...

  • The same life can be extremely pleasant, happy, and full of promise.

...life is about learning, and over the last month, I've learned more about myself, my friends, and family than I ever expected to understand.

Each day begins.... it seems like such a routine. "Today seems so much like yesterday"... but is it?

Think of what you've learned over the last 24 hours. Think about what new experiences you've had...

Now let's take a look at this list that I've prepared for you, to see how situations aren't all that bad when seen a different way:


...when you see life this way... for every door closed, a new one opens. Life is a journey.

Some people feel safe just hanging on to whatever routine and comfort zone they have...

I see the struggles of life to be building blocks to learn from my mistakes, identify those that like me regardless, and use that positive strength to continue forward to fulfill my fate and destiny of why I'm here.

Thanks to all of you who read this post and have something to say...

I'm going to make it my mission to be more positive going forward and my posts should reflect that. :)


One of the best lines I’ve ever read, and which eventually led me to pursue stoicism is a quote of a priest (I’m an atheist):

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it
Charles R. Swindon

That quote has totally changed my perception of life and thus life. It took me a while to fully understand how wide reaching that one line is though.

I like that quote a lot.. It's so meaningful. Thank you very much for sharing that one. Very inspiring. I'm going to write that down and put it somewhere that I can see it often.

I have heard that before. Never knew where it came from. Just thought it was something my mom passed down from my grandma. Ty for the source.

In Dutch we call it 'omdenken' or better said thinking different. It is just how you think about it, is how you experience it.

Thats not always easy actually, admit it is nice to be sarcastic and sad every now and then. And you should also not throw everything overboard. But yes, think about it different.

owww boehoeee I lost my boyfriend and my old life on the island with all that hurricane crap last year OR I am going to a new country, meeting new people and getting a super cool job opportunity

Its your choice!

(situation looking calmer with your dad? or still shaky?)

Nice! Thanks for the tidbit about omdenken -- that's really neat to know. When different cultures and languages have "a word for that" ...it mean's it's well known and an important lesson that is communicated over a long period of time..

With regard to him, he's been craving a lot of sugar lately which concerns me (glycosylation and cancer). He's also getting sharp stabbing pains out of the blue, at random near the area where the cancer was..

I think it's going to be a while before we know what's going to happen.

In the meantime, I feel I have to shift into a more positive attitude about life in general.. Since what is going to happen, is going to happen regardless of how think about it... Why let my emotions and attitude be negative and depressing.

I've never heard of anything good coming from a negative and depressing attitude... so that's definitely something to avoid. :)

Jim Rohn said that we become what we think about most.

If you think positively, then you will be a positive person and benefit from that mentality. People don't want to associate with someone that is always negative. (Though a too positive person is probably annoying to be around as well.)

positivity is the bomb... peace

i think it's good to be critical in public affairs and positive in personal affairs

The future is always brighter for those that turn on the light.

true having a positive mind and attitude is one of the greatest assets that we have

Everyone should think positive.. Positive mind made a man powerful and perfect..

Very true. I catch myself thinking negatively all the time. I try to stop myself. Some times, its hard to do.

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