How your EARS can teach you more in life than your mouth. (HARD LESSON, BUT VERY VALUABLE)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This has taken me years to learn. I'm giving you a life lesson for FREE!


Some people can go through their whole lives and not realize how their body works.

  • Let me make it simple.

  • Your EARS inputs information to your brain

  • Your MOUTH outputs information to other people's brains

If your mouth is always talking.. it does not give you any information that can help you.

There is one guy I know, that when I talk to him, his mouth starts. It runs non-stop. Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap... you can barely say anything to him.

That means his ears are dead. The sole purpose of his ears is to listen for the next opportunity for him to talk more.

What that ends up doing is giving him a false positive (as known in the computer industry)...

Or a false sense that he's right, as long as he can over-power the discussion.

When you find someone like that... that always has to be aggressive, talkative and assert themselves... what they are basically saying to you is this....

I don't need to listen to anyone. I'm smarter. I'm done school. I know everything. Listen to me.

I'm the opposite.

...and for those of you who know me intimately, you might not understand this... but I'll reveal it now.







...There isn't a single day of my life that I wake up out of bed and I am not ready to listen, learn, observe, retain, or investigate.

Learning is something I will spend the rest of my life to do...

Sharing what I've learned on steemit is new for me, but I try to do it, to save people time, money, and hard times.

...but listening and learning == @intelliguy

I could walk up to a homeless guy on the street... with no education. I could spend 30 minutes talking to him, and you know what? I'd learn SOMETHING I never knew before. I don't need to live his life to learn something about life he'll tell me for free. All I have to do is open my ears, shut my mouth, and the information will come.

Now the opposite of that...

I could spend 30 minutes with a Millionaire or Billionaire...

They are smart people. They are careful about what they say. They have millions of billions of dollars.

...but if I go in there with my MOUTH open non-stop jabbering... I'm going to learn nothing.

So I learn how to shut up and be quiet and listen.

My ears work and they work well.

After about 30 minutes that millionaire or billionaire will talk lots (in a protective way) to not reveal anything important. But once in awhile they'll slip up and say something that is valuable, that can help me.

I will catch that... and learn from it.

...and I can only do that.. because my MOUTH is not out of control and my EARS are working very well.


Now let's bring this back to @intelliguy and steemit blogs...

I write blogs...

Most people have their ears open...

Some can't control their mouths and only hear 1/2 of what I'm saying before they want to get aggressive with their debates and basically say:

@intelliguy I read HALF of what you wrote. Now I want you to listen to me! I'm smarter than you, because you didn't explain things that were on my mind when I read your blog post as a biased person. in a perfect world.. they would say that... but they don't...

But let's pretend the world is perfect, and they did say that...

  • You read HALF of what I wrote
  • You were biased in your opinion while you read the post
  • Soon as you realized I went against the grain of your belief, you had to say something, right?

YES!! They would say (in a perfect world)

I would then ask them... "Were your ears working? Was your mind open?"

They would respond:


To which my answer would be I see...

  • Your ears were off
  • Your mind was off
  • Your receiving information was off...

...what I did was trigger your aggressive response that I came up with an opposing view to your beliefs, and in your "comfort zone" it is easier to open your mouth and retaliate than it was to re-consider your position on a particular topic or way of thinking, right?

YES! They'd say (in a perfect world)

...and so there it is. We don't have a perfect world. There is more over-active mouths, than there are ears willing to listen. The mouths seem to dominate conversations everywhere.

...for those of you listening right now...

I learn by using my ears... all the time... do you?


The irony of the situation is that a person could learn something useful even if his ears listened to his own mouth with an open and unbiased attitude to observe what he, himself is saying out of reaction to someone else's words.

I know exactly what you mean. We've seen people talk and you have to ask them "are you even listening to what you are saying?"

lol great your words "Your EARS inputs information

Your MOUTH outputs information" in this words there is a seacrat of hole life.thanks

Yup lots of valuable info out there.

by the time you were writing this post i was busy replying your answer in your previous one...just bother to have a quick look at it....
i don't like to repeat myself so there is no reason to re-write the same things but i do believe that you understand me perfectly.....bottom line... let the phrase ' can you borrow me yours ears for 30 seconds' inspire all of us ...keep our eyes and ears wide open and our mouths wide shut... thank you intelliguy

I want to make it clear. I don't upvote you for the nice things you say.

I upvote you, because your mind is open and you're willing and wanting to learn what I can give.

I feel it necessary to share life experiences I deliver to those that want it, and may find use for them. You want it I can see, and can gain the benefit of it. So it makes it worthwhile for me, not on votes, but for someone like you listening and liking it.

...and for that... it is exactly someone like you that I write for. For you.

(bow)... respect to you.. for realizing there is good substance here that has some worth. :)

Thanks for the acknowledgement...

In simple terms... eventually (like everyone) I will die from old age one day. But if pieces of @intelliguy can leak through to other people... in small ways... then it means everything I did here was worthwhile.

I'm here to help and share. Take as much as you can and use it..

thanks for the information in spanish there is a word for people who talk non-stop as you say and that word is verbiage.
But what you teach with this post is very true most of the time you would learn more if you mate your mouth closed and your ears open.

So @rebecaarcano what your saying is that this is a worldwide earth issue. That english to spanish it does not matter. There are people who always want to talk "verbiage" and there are smarter people (even speaking spanish) who know how to watch for those people and are always ready to learn.

So this is not an english thing only. It is not an spanish thing only. It just might be an "any-language" thing, good for everybody. Thanks for telling me that what I wrote is also known by spanish people too that helps a lot.

Hah, don't we all know of people like this!

One thing I always keep in and on my head, we were born with two ears and one mouth... we should all consider the ratio carefully.

So far I have learnt from you using my eyes. Eyes are important too. Some people don't have ears. But, pardon the pun, I hear you! My ex was exactly what you described up there about yap yap yap... I'm educated bla bla... Thanks for great reads.

Very much like me. My 11th grade teacher gave a long lecture about 'Being a good listener'. I still remember her lecture on the first day. Lifetime lesson taught. Impacted my mind greatly. And here I am, reading through the same lesson, 13 years later.
How do we handle situations when your manager is a chatter box and dominates pretty much everything you say. Its a bad combination. I am a good listener and he just continues to talk. Bad for me, in short term at least.

Managers run the show. If it was not them doing it, it might be you.

Managers are not perfect either. They are hard to work under, because a manager has the authority to always be right in every situation.

Don't let that bug you. I worked under managers before and it bugged me. I always questioned "this manager is an idiot" I could be a better manager than them.

What you have to remember is that you're not a volunteer. You're getting paid to work for that manager. ...and if things don't run right, it is the Manager that gets in trouble first.

So listen to the idiot manager and do as they say. Get paid. Just stop thinking (which is easy to do if you try hard enough) and realize that everyone knows the manager is not better than anyone else. They aren't. They were just dumb enough to take that job role for a few dollars more. :)

I hope this helps look at it from the right way.

I slightly disagree on the 'manager faces the heat first' part. He makes me face the client and even the higher management when things go wrong.
I can't face the heat when I'm not the one making wrong decisions. Things would be different had he at least heard me out. Instead of just dominating my wise 10 words with his 100 generic words.

Wowwwww! This is so true;-

Your EARS inputs information to your brain, while:
Your MOUTH outputs information to other people's brains.

I love how you put this word;-


Wowwww! I love the closing the most, great content and keep steeming Dearie;-

...and so there it is. We don't have a perfect world. There is more over-active mouths, than there are ears willing to listen. The mouths seem to dominate conversations everywhere.

Wow. I never knew all these.
Thanks for sharing

You must be a quick reader, thinker and typer, if you read all this, thought about it and responded all within a minute. Or...

Another up-vote. I like this strategy of warning spammers.

Congrats you get an upvote just by identifying that. :)

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