Find Solutions And Not Excuses!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I would love to start this piece by saying that "those who always give excuses for their failures and wrongs, never go far in life".

You may want to argue that but I have come to discover based on my little experience in life as a young man that if one keeps giving excuses then such a one may never be interested In finding solutions.
But what then is Excuse and Solution?

Excuse is a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence

Solution is a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.

Those who find excuses why they failed may never find solutions not to fail again

Life is full of challenges and setbacks and that makes us humans and not God. Any one born of a woman in this life that has never failed or made a mistake since he or she was born is only existing and not living.
But if we keep giving excuses as to why we failed in business, academics, marriage then we never find interest in finding solutions to the problems we are facing.
Those who are making impact today are those finding solutions to world’s problem and not those giving ”good reasons” why the world should remain stagnant as it is.

Are you a solution provider or an excuse provider?

You got to come out from those your wonderful excuses and confront those challenges in your life with solutions. Sell off the attitude of excuse giving and focus on solution providing else your life will continue the way it has being with problems.
My friend, you need to be tired of the stagnancy in your life and find solutions on how to live a better life so as to make the lives of those around you to be better. And as someone rightly said and I quote:

”I started seeing results when I stopped giving excuses!"

Think Solutions And Not Excuses!

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