Choose Your Friends

in #life6 years ago

Friends make up the life we live. No one born of a woman will say him or her does not have a friend whether they are good or bad. The success of some people today can be traced back to the kind of friends they had likewise the failure of some today. If you ask some people they will tell you they wished they never made friends with some set of people, while others will tell you that in their next world they would still choose the friends they are having now.

Dear reader, it's not everyone you meet in life that is expected to be your friend, not that you will be their enemy but you place some distance between yourself and them. Place people were they belong without offending any one because who you share your dreams and aspirations with will determine how far you will go in life.

Grow to the point where you choose friends and place them in the category they belong. But that can be possible by the kind of attitude you put up because your attitude determines who comes around you. Certain people can not have access to me, not because I hate them but because their lifestyle can not make then easily want to relate with me. Show me the kind of friends you have and I can easily predict the kind of person you are.

Benefits Of Choosing Right Friends

The following are few benefits of choosing right friends

  • They encourage you when life presents to you all forms of discouragement
  • They motivate you to carry on with your dreams
  • They give you right counsels and also correct you when you do wrong
  • They will always tell you the truth no matter how painful it is to you
  • They will be careful not to hurt your emotions because your pains is theirs also

So let's be wise in choosing those who call our friends

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