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RE: Next episode of Simon & Ida!!!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I was born near Turku and spent my childhood through young adulthood there. Before I moved to Tampere. When I was a child my father was in the navy and I remember that we made several trips to various islands. I assume Turku, Naantali and Kustavi archipelago. Some of my relatives lived in Parainen so somewhere there too.

I remember the ferry trips from my childhood. And my mom has talked of an island that has a summer place for the families of navy workers. I'm not sure if we went there by car only or also by ferry, so it can be anyone of those islands. But I remember that we had one week holidays there on few summers. That was before I started school so my memory of those islands is a bit hazy. As a teenager some of my friends families had summer cottages near Kustavi, so somewhere on those islands there.

This is a good opportunity to learn some swedish

Eller jag kan tala... ööö... skriva på engelska, svenska ock finska, mix them all together ja kattoa kuka ymmärtää ja mitä. Och hur mycke. I didn't like my swedish teatcher in yläaste men gillade min engelska lärare, och man kan höra engelska so much more from everywhere so one learns it more and more all the time. Men jag tittar på svensks språgiga programmer från tv, and try to accidentally learn something too, while watching. Jag tenker at svensksprågika tietovisat är mycke intreserade än finska. Voiko niitä suomenkielisiä kunnon tietovisoiksi kutsuakaan... Jag gillar se yksi, vad heter det... Maria Sid är en av vakiovisaajista. För exsempel dom måste näytellä engelska sjunger på svenska... Can't remember the name, the air date or the channel, so pretty hard to check the name. :D

if you want to visit the island your more than welcome!

I keep that in mind. :)

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