Stormy days can take you down an interesting path. You never know what might happen next. lol!

in #life6 years ago

Well you never know what new experience the day will hold for you. We seriously have not had a dry day since I can remember. And, pretty wild storms. It is storming now and I decided to take my shower. Someone else had already beat me to the tub. Lol! So today she and I showered together. Can mark that off my bucket list. 🐶 🚿💁




someone doesn't look very happy. :o)

She isn't at all. lol! I am out and she is still in the tub. The first photo is the look she gives me when I try to get her out. lol!

Love your Doggie! Such a personality!

I am not so sure she liked it. Ha! :P

She did not like it, but she chose to stay. lol

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