A small story from my experience.

in #life5 years ago

When I was smaller ... something interesting happened.

Running through courtyard with friends and playing football, the game was almost over, and I see that the lady on the walkway falls. I run and ask if he need help, she was happy. And he said he wasn't able to take that big shopping bag to home, I realized that I needed to help her, so I took the bag and helped her get to the house. When we were there, he was greeted by a man who was her son. he of course began to complain a bit about why he one went to the store with a weak heart. She replied, I went and was no longer able to go with that heavy bag, and then this boy ran to me and helped me come. The man led hi inside in the apartment, and the man said me to wait in the outside, so I did, and after a while he came out, asked for my name and address where I live. I showed him and he asked if I could call my mom at the door, so I did.

Then I heard that both of them praised me, and of course the man gave me some money for gratitude and said if there were any problems I could ask him for help.

Then after a couple of days I lost my dog, somewhere had run away and had not come home for a couple of days, and in despair we went with parents to search him. Then I sat on the bench in the courtyard and wait when he came home. After a moment the same man came to me and asked what happened ... I told him.

After that, he says, come sit in the car, go search ... we didn't find it in the city for several hours. After returning home, I went home and there he was, returned, and waiting me.

p.s help others and others will help you. You cannot know when and how much you need help from others.

Picture source: pexels.com

Posted using Partiko Android


Extending the olive branch and lending a helping hand becomes more rare as we become more self centred and its really taken for granted. You never know what other people are going through and the smallest action can have great impact on peoples lives. Good Karma starts with you giving freely

FYI i've selected your post as my @pifc post of the week and you can find my nomination here. If you would like to join the team each week or want to know more about the program you can find the details here

The @pifc should come around soon enough to check out your post

Really thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Always good to help others when you can. Beautiful story.

I am rather late visiting the Pay it Forward Curation contest entries, but that's how I found you. Keep up the great work!

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