Why Should You Mind Your Own Business

in #life8 years ago

I haven't written a real article in a while. Poetry is something I adore: It's short and sweet, and sometimes it's the most fitting for a topic due to the very big punch a few words can pack. However, it's always good to write an article in while, it can't hurt. After all, there are some topics out there that require an article rather than a poem. So, without further delay, I'll officially start the article.

Now and then, you may have had a friend, a neighbor or even a relative who was/is pretty nosy. One who likes to talk about your personal life, and get all they can about yourself out of you. One who likes to involve himself in matters and situations where he doesn't belong, just for the sake of "drama". Just so he can sit back, eat the popcorn and watch the drama while directly/indirectly fueling the fire.

It's a pretty dick-y move that most people do. It's possible that you - the reader - may very well be counted among these people. Their ratio to the common man is just too damn high.

These kind of things are pretty common. More common than you may think. The proverb

Walls have ears

fits well here. Everyone is listening to whatever you say. And whether you like it or not, there's nothing you can do about it unless you are willing to start a fight in which case you'll be the talk of the town for a while.

This topic isn't directed towards you: the "victim" of this phenomenon. It is directed towards the very people that engage in these kinds of activities and the ones who take pleasure in eavesdropping and being nosy.

There's only one thing you guys should do:


Okay well first of all, it is a bad thing to do. First and foremost. It is morally wrong and an unethical thing to do. Nobody has the right to interfere with anyone's personal life and matters. Second, you have no business participating and involving yourself in such situations and matters where you do not belong. It is a lot like if some entity started to live in your mind right beside, went through all your personal memories, asked you questions about them, and judged you. Sounds bad, doesn't it? Nobody likes to have their personal lives ransacked.

If one does it for long enough, a thirst develops in ones heart and mind, a hunger for information. Information which is at the heart of some other person's personal life and matters.

On one hand, it develops fear and paranoia that someone is always listening to what you say and on other hand, it makes you angry. I wish there was something that could be done about it but alas! The only thing that you can do is hope no one meddles with your affairs.


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Agree. people should mind their own business. upvoted and following.

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