DO ALIENS EXIST? - From A Skeptic's Point Of View

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I've put off writing this post for so long mainly because I didn't want to seem like a crazy internet conspiracy theorist as the authors of articles concerning such topics are or are labeled as. I've decided to finally pen this article from a skeptic's point of view excluding any and all impossibly crazy conspiracy theories.

Let's start, shall we?

Aliens - Fact or Fiction?

For years, literature, video games, and Hollywood have been entertaining us with Sci-Fi stories of a devastating Alien attack which acts as a catalyst for the inevitable apocalypse. The whole world unites and starts a war against the Aliens, and somehow wins. Sometimes the stories maybe about Aliens just start abducting some people here and there and a local detective tries to solve the case and ends up defeating the Aliens. Other times, the stories may be even more ridiculous. But aside from all the craziness and mystery, this Alien genre begs two questions: One: are aliens real? Two: if they are, why do they always come to the USA first? Both questions are equally hard to answer, so I'll try to answer the former.

While it's improbable that the Aliens as we have come to imagine them over the years - little green men with big black eyes - exist, micro-organisms may exist on planets capable of sustaining life. Titan and Europa, to name a few.

FUN FACT: If we ever discover life on Europa and Titan, it is possible that it may have been originated on Earth. Earth may have seeded this life as a result of meteor collision into the Earth.

This is the observable universe, with our local supercluster pointed out. A supercluster is composed of many groups/clusters of galaxies. So, our galaxy somewhere in this supercluster along with many other galaxies. And yet the supercluster is still no more than a mere dot. That means thousands, billions, trimbillions of other superclusters. God, this is huge.

Our Galaxy, The Milky Way, is estimated to contain about 100 billion stars. Some studies also estimate that this number could be near to 400 billion. There are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe. If we take 100 billion stars per galaxy as the average, then the total number of stars in the observable universe becomes 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or one billion trillion. That's a lot of stars. The number of habitable planets is a bit harder to determine but some scientists trust that it may be close to a 100 billion. If life developed so quickly on Earth on the cosmic calendar, the development and emergence of life on other planets in other galaxies seem very probable. The universe is a pretty big place, surely life must have sprouted up some place else too, right? Science requires observations, experimentations, results, evidence, and proof. Most importantly proof. And in this scenario, we are close to having none of that.


UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects have been the subject of many documentaries and even movies due to their mysterious nature - though they often turn out to be nothing more than hoaxes - and close association with aliens. The UFO phenomenon has been pretty prevalent since the late 40s and early 50s. Although it had only reached what you would call a "mainstream" status by then, it has been recorded multiple times throughout history. Chinese astronomers witnessed Halley's Comet in the skies in 240 BC but since not many discoveries and breakthroughs had been made in the fields of technology and science, it may be possible that people then actually thought these sightings to be some sort of a religious omen. A sign from the Gods. When you think about it, the universe really acts in an amazing way.

Another fascinating sighting of a celestial phenomenon was in Nuremberg, Germany 1561. This case has always intrigued me but there could be many scientifically correct explanations for this. On the dawn of April 14, 1561, the residents of Nuremberg, Germany saw hundreds of odd-shaped flying objects in the sky which appeared to be engaged in some kind of cosmic battle. A large crash occurred right outside of the village after a large triangular shaped object appeared in the sky.

Here's the illustrated news notice from April 14, 1561.

This whole phenomenon might have been comets, meteors, or it might have been an atmospheric phenomenon known as sundogs or mock suns.

There have been numerous cases of alleged sightings in 1800s. Cases of claimed Alien abductions had an influx in the post-1950s. Some people attribute this influx to people thinking that they will earn fame easily while some other attribute this to psychological issues, traumas, and delusions.

Despite all the sightings, claimed abductions and disappearances, and "meetings" there is absolutely zero concrete proof that Aliens have ever visited us. There is no proof validating the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life somewhere out there. Or what if there is and the government is covering it up? Oh god, where is my tinfoil hat... [scrambles to find tinfoil hat].

The point is, that there is nothing there to even support the foundations of belief in intelligent extra-terrestrial life that has visited Earth. Sure, when you put it in the terms of the scale of the universe, then anything's possible. Universe is a pretty vast, amazing, and at times a terrifying place. While I do believe in the non-existence of Aliens, it is very possible that they may exist somewhere out there. After all, the universe is a very big place. Hell, we haven't even seen a real picture of our galaxy yet. The images you see on Google of our galaxy are the Artist's impression of what our galaxy is supposed to look like. So yeah. But right now, there is very little to support the claim of the existence of intelligent Aliens.


Nope. Next question.

Ha. Just kidding. In all seriousness though they absolutely could as you mentioned we are but a mere speck in regards to the size of the universe. "could" being the key word there. I don't personally think they do because in this day and age with everyone having a camera, we should have more concrete proof that they exist if they indeed do...

There are pretty low chances of an alien species more advanced than us existing in our galaxy yet alone in our solar system. If they've purposely isolated us and are hidden, then well that's another topic suitable for Fermi's Paradox. Micro-organisms are more likely than a highly developed Alien race but the chances of even those micro-organisms are low. If we look outside of our solar system and galaxy, then anything's possible really.

For all we know, there may be Thomas the Tank Engines flying around in some place in the universe. No proof of Alien existence, yet high probability of it's existence...

By Fermi's paradox, they are already here. We are just to dumb to understand and see them, like an ant has no concept of the universe. Perhaps one day we will figure it out.

Fun subject, thanks for posting!

Part of the issue to me is that there is such a large distance involved in the universe that everything we are observing is many, many years back in time. If you were to look at a civilization like we have even 300 years ago there wouldn't be any easy way of detecting it from the nearest star. Additionally, imagining the progress we make in say a thousand years, (should we decide to play nicely) it would be conceivable that we could develop technologies for communication and energy manipulation that would be undetectable to our present level of technology.

Such technologies could harmonize so well with the planets ecosystem that no detectable energy signatures or radio signals are emitted. Observing such a civilization from a distance without a clue of what we are seeing could lead us to believe no life lived there. (By the same logic, if you see a planet with occasional strange bursts of lights, odd looking industrial discharges in the atmosphere and em emissions – this might be a clue to stay away for a while and avoid landing there) ;)

For example, a simple invention like a really good night vision glasses or genetic modifications for night vision could eliminate the need for artificial lighting and would free up a lot of energy needs and avoid light pollution. Observing such an advanced civilization from a distance wouldn’t resemble ours at night. A lot of what makes us visible is that our technology hasn’t advanced to the point where it has become fully efficient imho.

love this subject

It seems to me that extra terrestrial intelligent life is just as likely as humans showing up here. I hope they are doing a better job of living in harmony with their species and biosphere than we are...... Nice post, upvote. oc

I don't believe for one minute that were the only planet that is inhabited, there has to be more out there, some we will never know about

"While I do believe in the non-existence of Aliens"

This is not true skepticism - this is a positive claim that our planet is so amazingly special that it is the only one out of the entire universe that is capable of supporting the conditions needed for life to pop up.

To believe earth is the only planet in the entire universe on which life could evolve is quite an extraordinary belief indeed and this is not a belief that a true skeptic would hold.

Note that this is a different concept from alien life existing and that alien life visiting earth.

My own view is that alien life almost certainly exists somewhere else simply because I do NOT believe our planet is so amazingly unique - but I also believe that it's so distant that we will never make contact. It's entirely possible whole civilisations sprouted up and died out long before we appeared on earth, meaning that we have to consider both spatial and temporal distance.

Put simply: the true skeptical position is that aliens almost certainly exist (and if not, give me proof that earth is the only planet that could ever support life and another earth-like planet does not exist anywhere - that's a HUGE claim) but we won't ever make contact.

We are not alone in this universe. But will we ever have contact this is another question- maybe through photon teleportation.

any time a technologically advanced culture (on earth) has come into contact with a non technological's been pretty much a death sentance for the less advanced culture.

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