Where do you belong?? Are you a millennial, xennial or a Generation X?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Xennial is the microgeneration that serves as a bridge between Generation X and millennials, the youth of the future.

The noticeable generation gaps ....

Maybe, you do not consider yourself a pure millennial or believe you are part of the "generation of the future." Because you continue to relate to your friends, and much, without the need of social networks, you did not have a cell phone until the university and every time you had a question you consulted the encyclopedia (or Encarta for the lucky ones who already had a computer). If this is your case, you may be a xennial.

Generation X are the people who were born between the 60's and 80's. That is, they are the children of the baby boomers and the parents of the millennials. There, right in the middle of these two demographic cohorts, the xennials are placed.

Basically, refers to xennials like a micro generation that works like bridge between the discontent of Generation X and the cheerful optimism of the millennials. It could be narrowed down a bit further by claiming that these people could have been born between 1977 and 1983 (Star Wars fans are sure to know why).

We are talking about people who, like many of us, have grown up in a fully analog world. We played ball or rubber on the street, read paper books and communicate with our friends in town through letters. Digitization has reached adulthood, usually in the last years of high school or at the beginning of college.

But what characterizes this microgeneration? We share with Generation X cynicism, although we resemble the millennials in the dynamism and optimism we show as we face life.

We are those people who have had the opportunity to interact through postal mail and email, we have enjoyed Star Wars and Harry Potter, bought music on discs, CDs and iTunes and taken to reveal the reels of photos to later use integrated cameras. We are the generation that wept to our parents for a walkman, and that presumed to his friends when they bought a discman to him. Those who recognize a Nokia 3310 and a One Touch Easy. And, of course, we are the last people who "stayed" with their friends.
And you, do you recognize yourself more with the millennial or with the xennial?

1 - Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 and later

2 - Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1983 to 1995

3 - Xennials: Born 1977 to 1983

4 - Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976

5 - Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964

6 - Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before


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Yes! was born in 1972.

there you go for the X !!

This is interesting!! I really like the breakdown with pictures!!

Sure appreciate your comment. Cheers.

lol first time I hear xennials. nice one.

so are your there..?

I was born in 1994 but I do not feel I belong to one generation or another. I am tired about those articles on mass media telling how is one generation or another. Some of then even predict the future according to the generation in power!

The birth date is a very ambiguous concept for sorting people.The life style also depends of the age of your parents, the place were you lived, the other people you related with...

Of course this categories helps the sociologists on their job, but I think many people are taking this too seriously.

I am not a sociologist, but I think this is a common problem in scientific disclosure. For example:

The neurologists say: It has been found that heroin and sugar stimulate the same areas of the brain in mices.

The journalists say: Sugar is as addictive as heroin!

Global events which trickle down to the surrounding society in which we find ourselves are the ones that define who we are and how we will end up in the future. It is perhaps a way of identifying ourselves with a place in history .. where we there, do we recall details, any effects on me, family or friends…. It is a common denominator or conversation topic with those of the same era…


Very nice article. upvoted

There are some core elements that stick with millennials but there is a shift happing with the ways Millennials are adapting to the lack of Corporate support that they were used to in school and from their parents. More and more are becoming entrepreneurs.

I have written an article about millennials that goes against the normal type of articles that are out there.

There is a shift taking place with millennials where they are creating their own businesses online.

Would love to get your thoughts on it.

Millennials as Entrepreneurs

Thanks you rock.

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