LGBTQ’s continues to be discriminated against in most of the worldsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


In 76 countries around the world, homosexuality is considered a crime and in five of them, the death penalty is applicable.

In science and despite the times, it is common to find people who think, judge and even criticize violently those who lie or rise. The term LGBTQphobia is used to denote people who feel reject and discriminate against men and women who define themselves as LGBTQsexual. We have all heard the barbarity that " LGBTQsexuality is a disease" by those who feel an irrational aversion towards those different from themselves. Well, a new investigation flips the "tortilla" around and suggests that the real disease to be studied is LGBTQphobia.

A new study by Italian university students reveals that people who have very negative views of LGBTQsexuals also have higher levels of psychoticism than those who are tolerant. This is not to say that LGBTQphobic people are psychotic. Psychoticism is a personality trait of some people who are vulnerable to impulsive, hostile, aggressive, angry behavior or who have the same empathy as a plastic bottle.


According to the researchers, the better the mental health of a person, the less likely it is to be LGBTQphobic. Those people who live their relationships in an unhealthy way, were significantly more LGBTQphobic than those who had greater emotional intelligence. The same was true of those who faced unpleasant situations in an immature way: they showed a greater visceral and irrational rejection towards LGBTQ population.

Also, the researchers found a high correlation of the LGBTQphobes with the most dysfunctional personalities that showed attitudes of hostility, anger or psycho-socialism. “LGBTQphobia is a disease induced by culture."

In politics and human rights the legalization of LGBTQ marriage in several countries and the claims of the pope, who refuses to "judge" LGBTQsexuals, shows a certain "normalization" of LGBTQsexuality but in most of the world they continue to suffer severe discrimination.

England and Wales, France, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Argentina ... Fifteen countries have already legalized same-sex marriage, which in most cases entails the right to have children.

But in most of the world, the fight of LGBTQsexuals is not for the right to unions or paternity, but for the right to live their lives without being a victim of violence, harassment or arrests.


Currently, 76 countries criminalize LGBTQsexual practices and five punish with the death penalty, says the NGO that fights for the rights of sexual minorities around the world.

It is also necessary to include the assaults, and even murders, that the LGBTQsexuals suffer in many countries.

In this context, LGBTQ rights associations and human rights defenders have welcomed the words of the Argentine pope, spiritual leader of 1 billion faithful, as a breath of fresh air.

"If a person is gay, he looks for God and he has good will, who am I to judge him?" The Pope told reporters, eight years after a Vatican directive was put out prohibiting the priesthood Homosexuals, and when the Holy See opposes at the UN universal decriminalization of homosexuality.

The Pope's distinction between homosexuals - which would have a place in the Church and society - and a homosexual 'lobby' to be rejected, shows however that he is not willing to change Catholic doctrine on marriage, family and sexuality.


Most of the opposition to LGBTQ marriage in France, which continues to manifest more than two months after the entry into force of the law, make the same distinction to reject the accusations of LGBTQphobia.

French sociologist Eric Fassin wonders if LGBTQphobia is "not wanting LGBTQ’s or not recognizing the equality of rights." And denounces that the Pope "dresses with rhetoric presentable for the West its opposition to the rights of gays".

The sociologist points out that, at the same time that reforms are being voted on in Europe, North America, South Africa and Latin America, we see political LGBTQphobia and state LGBTQphobia in the name of “a cultural identity in reaction to West".

This is the case in Cameroon, where a court sentenced a man accused of homosexuality to two years' imprisonment and a child prosecuted in the same case to a year of conditional jail on 23 July.

In Russia, a law promulgated by President Vladimir Putin has banned homosexual "propaganda."

In Senegal, Senegalese President reiterated his rejection of the legalization of gay marriages despite the fact that at the time POTUS publicly defended homosexuals who suffer persecution in most African countries.

Also in Senegal, the Swiss Muslim preacher Tariq Ramadan recently provoked a polemic by declaring that "not because he is a homosexual he is not a Muslim," while affirming that Islam prohibits homosexuality.


Democracy not only is beautiful, it can create beauty and tolerance is one of them. Marriage among LGBTQsexuals is another beauty of the civil rights of a democratic system, unthinkable in a totalitarian one. And what has created heterosexuality and LGBTQ sexuality throughout history, belongs to all human beings, regardless of gender and sexual orientation, ethnicity, class or race.

No one has private property of democracy, created under an imminently homosexual political and social system, nor of marriage, full creation of heterosexuality.


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thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing this, even my country is against this, but let's see how things go

your posts are very deep like them

Upvoted. But you will be put on steemit blast edition for trying to make it look like you have natural followers

nice post, this the true of one day... upvoted it!..

i'm @antoniomontilva thanks for the support, i'm following you, i hope that you do the same! :D

Excelente explicación. Para muchos de nosotros, es difícil entender ciertas cosas porque ya estamos condicionados desde pequeños por la misma cultura, tanto en casa como en las escuelas, haciendo que muchas veces, se denigre a personas con una "condición diferente". Pero... ¿Qué es lo normal? ¿Quién determina algo como eso y desde que punto de vista? Simplemente ha sido sembrado en nuestras conciencias, a temprana edad el rechazo a los LGBTQ, por una cultura heredada. Hoy, se puede comenzar a marcar diferencia, cuando entendamos y asimilemos que todos somos uno, sin importar nuestra sexualidad. Y tomando como referencia lo dicho por el Papa Francisco "Si alguien es Gay y busca del Señor y tiene buena voluntad, ¿Quién soy yo para juzgarlo?
Buen artículo @indepthstory. Te sigo y upvote

@indepthstory This is quite a touchy subject in India, with laws and political stances changing ever so often. The only thing we can do is hope and pray for the best. After all, humanity is what defines humans at the end of the day :)

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