How I became an artist - my story (old funny drawings inside:)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Today I will tell you my story:) The story of how I became an artist.

It's different from the most traditional way. I mean - lots of artists draw since they were babies. I didn't. I didn't attend art school as a child and I have no art higher education. The only art-class thing I ever attended as a schoolkid was a class of ukrainian traditional art, called Petrikovskaya painting. If you don't know how it looks - I added one of my old paintings below. Flowers, fruits in a specific national style. It was fun, but it didn't last long. I had problems mastering math, phisics and chemistry, and when my parents learned about the low score - I was forbidden to engage in painting. Must admit that I wasn't upset too much. I wasn't that good at drawing as other girls were (yep, we had no boys in the group) and felt a bit defective. 

I graduated as an art critic from Kyiv Academy of Fine arts and Architecture. My faculty was the only one "non-creative", I mean all the others were artists, graphic desighners, sculptors, and my facultee was the only one that studied art, nor created. And for all 5 years of education I had no idea that I'll have a desire to create art myself one day. I remember that I always said that I can do almost anything: dancing, singing, playing guitar, but I can't draw and never could. And thought I never will, untill...

Until my boyfriend asked me to marry him. I agreed, and the preparation to wedding began. I must admit that I'm a really anxious and nervous person. The slightest stress immediately causes me sleeping problems. Wedding wasn't a slight stress for me, it was really HUGE. So I felt like I was going mad most of time. I was looking for a way to calm down and suddenly an idea came out of blue (it was about 4 a.m. and I was still awake) - I have to get somewhere oil paints and start drawing! I still don't know why the idea came to me, but that day I waited for the rest on night untill the art stores opened and bought myself some art supplies.

Despite the fact I had an education according to which I should knew what materials are needed for every species of art - I missed a lot of things. I chose oil and I bought paints, canvas and one brush. I had no palette, no solvent. And I yet didn't knew that painting with oil is a messy bussiness. For a couple of times I used regular sunflower oil as a solvent, it worked, but the paintings smelled funny. I also had no solvent to clean my brush, and yet didn't knew any lifehucks, so my first brush spoiled really quickly. 

Did I calm down? No, but since than I had an occupation that kept me busy most of time. My first paintings were horrible, really horrible, but it was a nice form of meditation and art therapy. So I continued till wedding:)

After the honey moon I tryed drawing again. Paintings were still horrible, but I still loved the process. And one day my already husband said, that may be I have to go to some classes to study how to do everything correctly and than, may be, start earning with my art. I was shocked. Not about the classes, but about his thoughts that I could make painting my emolument. But he really belived in me and that made me do the same, belive in myself. So, I went to drawing classes.

And again, it was really hard for me to master the traditional, academical art techniques. Most times I came home from classes really whacked, I felt like everyone in my group were doing better than me. But I kept going. I was drawing more than 10 hours a day, trying to understand how it works. 

The biggest problems I had with watercolor. We had to draw nature, fruit, pitchers, flowers, and I just could not handle with material. It was spreading in all directions, I hated it. At some point my teacher waved his hand and said that once all that is that bad - I'd better continue to engage in pencil drawing. When I came home, I kept thinking about what to do. I already had a good set of watercolor, I did not want to give up the opportunity to paint with it. And I tryed to paint a scence from ome of my favorite cartoons - "Hobbit", year 1977. I added ink outline and suddenly it worked! I understood that may be I will never draw still life with watercolor, but it's a wonderful material for just painting fairy-tales.

By that time Christmas came, and my husband presented me with graphic tablet, so I could start creating digital art. So it was: my husband supported me, and my mom also did. She saw in my drawings something special I couldn't, and still can't see myself, it's what mothers do. Now she's also on steemit, by the way, telling about her animals (@animal-shelter), I hope she'll read to these words:) You're the best, mom:)

So, I started mixing digital art and traditional. I can't show you my first attempts in traditional art, I already don't have them, but digital is here. This was my first time I took graphic tablet in my hands. Since then, I have a tradition: from time to time I paint master Yoda that to see if I improved my skill.

I remember the exact day when my first drawing was bought and when I recieved my first comission. For almost three years I was only studying and trying to belive that one day I'll be able to earn with my art and that my mom and husband would be no longer the only persons, who love the stuff I do. And that day came, I've managed:) A year ago I also graduated computer graphics courses, and now I work as a freelance concept artist and illustrator. 

So, that's how my way to art looks like:) I'm still learning, learning every day to improve my skills, and it's already easier, but still not simple for me. I don't think it'll ever become simple, but I already know, that working hard on your dream gives results. I take creativity and ability to draw like muscles: you have to train regulary to get improved:)

Thanks for reading, I whish you lots of happiness and inspiration!:)


Interesting story. Always fascinating to hear how people find their way into art.
For sure yours was certainly not the usual path, but of course the road to art is not always a smooth one.
Look at the difficult life path of Van Gogh and yet see what a great artist he became.

Mine own path was much more the traditional way but then got interrupted.
I could draw well as child. At school teachers told by me I was the most talented student they had ever had. Later at art school I was told the same thing.
Even today, 3o years later, that same art school hold classes about my work.
At university I got a first class fine art degree and before I was even finished I was offered work in the graphics industry.
I was even offered a place at the Royal Academy in London. Normally a person has to prove their worth by working the hardest of their lives for 18 months to get a place at the Royal Academy, and even then 99% are rejected. Only one student a year out of 100,00 applicants are chosen, and here I was being handed a place for free. It had been 100 years since that had happened. However I said "No" to that offer.
Many said it was a big mistake was saying "No" because it would have assured me a place in the art world for life and a place in art history.
I would be rich today if I had said yes. Such is the power the Royal Academy has in the art world with its connections with the rich and powerful.
It is a closed elite world.
I said "No" to their offer because just at that time my wife and I had our first child. I decided to put my daughters life first over my ambitions and I do not regret that for a moment.
But there is no denying that it has made my art journey a difficult one.
Without the status of a Royal Academy education, the art world is a closed door. It took me years and years to find my way in to the art world and access real art collectors who control it with their gigantic wealth and power.
The sad fact is that although art collectors love art, they also want their choice to be an investment. A purchase from a Royal Academy artist guarantees their investment.
Therefore, why should they buy a unknown artist work even if that work is outstanding. Its all about the money.
This is why I ended up running my own gallery to try to take back some control from this closed art world.
Now I have one or two wealthy art collectors and my name is getting known in the art world. But the art world is full of jealous artists who do not want their power taken away. They have their hands in the pot of gold and they know how to play the game.
To me art is not a game but a spiritual journey. After 2008 crash the art world has taken a beating and art is no longer the big investment is was and so this idea of an artist being more life a creative spiritual priest is slowly spreading.
I am known for a something I once said that it is often used in artist magazines:
"Art is not about selling. It is about having something to say that´s worth telling".
I envy you being at the start of your journey for at the moment you are still in this wonderful period of development and evolving.
Enjoyed your story.

Thank you so much for sharing your story with me!:) I heard about Royal Academy, but only heard about it. I'm from Ukraine, things are different here. But since I started creating traditional art never was my ambition. Drawing for computer games was and still is:)

I almost went into the computer games world myself many years ago but I went onto a different path. I know one or two artists who do this. It is a tough industry and they work very hard but they have a good living.
Good luck and best wishes with your choice of career.

By the way I tryed to follow your advice, the one you gave me in our last conversation and created some abstract art for the first time. It was really fun listening to myself while creating:) I'll share the result tomorrow:)

Great, good to hear. I look forward to seeing that.
I am posting an blog later - about how the "Fine art" world works today, my experience of it, and why I got out of it to pursue a more spiritual path.
In the film is a short film of me working in my studio and the type of work I do here in Norway.
Great to chat with you.

I'd love to watch it! Will it be aviable here on steemit?

Yes, I will post it later here on Steemit.
It s a fairly long post but you can just go down to the bottom to then film if you wish. I talk on there and you can see the type of paintings I do and the one I am currently working on now.

Can't wait to see it! Your paintings are out of this world!:)

Great story, @inber ! As you, I have not an art higher education (I studied in the scientific high school and, after, in the faculty of psychology). I met the Art when I met my husband, in the 2012 (when I was 41 years old :P ). Before to met him, I was an employed full time and a creative woman part time, sometimes I made a bad draw just for fun. 'Cause economic crisis I have to left my all day job and so I had to re-invent myself. My hubby tought to me how to paint using different media 24h24 and 7d7. He's my "full time" teacher and we live in his lab-home, so I always say that it's not important in what way you arrive to art, the important is to arrive! ^_^

It's a wonderful story, thakns for sharing! It's always interestion to know how others come to art:)

It's great that you ended up in that field. Cool art!

I'm still on my way:) Thanks for kind words:)

wow great story thanks a lot, so what i get from that is that if you want something so much work hard no matter what anyone say and you gonna accomplish it ( or at least you will be better)

That's true:) Just never give up and listen to yourself:)

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