Worried About Problems? New Ones Will Come Along (Crypto, Life, & Troubles)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

You can read about them on every online platform that exists. It's not run right this way, and why don't we do things that way?

In fact, a person could live their life through the lens of this perspective. I know. These crooked glasses are also a part of my own history.

Here's The Funny Thing About Problems

Got issues? Guess what? You'll have brand new issues next week. They are coming and chances are good you won't even remember the old ones.

There have been times when my own problems were so self-encompassing they were all I could focus on.

The issues came up, I worried my time away, but they got taken care of. I'm still alive and doing alright.

So What Was It Worth Worrying? Is Complaining Any Better?


Some people might say an online persona is only a front. How could anyone be positive all the time?

For one thing, it's a lot better than being a downer everywhere you go. Other people know that new problems are coming. That's why we don't like to listen to too much bitchin.

Take A Step Forward & Do Something About It - Don't Forget To Smell The Flowers

Coming from a guy who is halfway through a normal lifespan, younger folk can believe me.

If you make 45 to 50 years of age, you'll be able to look back and see so many problems that don't mean a damn thing now.

Spending your time worrying about them is a terrible way to go. Take as many actions as possible to deal with what you can. Then maybe take some more to try to make a difference.

A Great Way To Not Worry About Problems? Work To Make A Difference

I don't know about you, but here's something I love about blockchain and crypto. There are so many projects out there it's ridiculous.

There's got to be one that interests you. Who knows? Maybe after some due diligence, you might decide to invest in one.

There's nothing wrong with investing in a project you believe in and have researched. But what if as an investor you could take action to make things better?

In crypto, you can. Projects need people to make them work. That's what should give a coin its value. The bigger difference a blockchain project makes in this world, the more value the token should have.

Things Just Don't Work That Way?


Yea that's what they told the Wright Brothers trying to put a plane in the air. They kept working through the problems when everyone cried impossible until they lifted off the ground.

That's the way I want to see things no matter how ugly it all sometimes appears. I find I'm able to enjoy my work so much better without all the worries in mind.

I also tend to remember to stick my nose in them roses much more often than before. I believe the people who I share my life with appreciate that.

If You Can't Find A Project, Build One Of Your Own!

It isn't very helpful to leave a message of inspiration and hope without some direction. And I wouldn't want to tell anyone what kind of project they should take interest in. That's up to you and part of what makes crypto so exciting.

But I can say that even the newcomers can find a project that they enjoy. One that means something to them. There's so much work to do and everyone has a skill. From graphic design to video, and especially community outreach.

And for the more seasoned blockchain enthusiast; if you want to create your own token vested project, the time has never been better. BitShares already makes this possible and with the launch of EOS a few short weeks away, the crypto development world won't know what hit them. Tired of FUD articles? EOS is the talk of the town.

The Wrap Up

My own progression in the world of crypto began with a small Steemit account, and I just started getting involved. I try to add valuable content as much as possible and share the knowledge I gain as I go. Steemit led me to invest not only my coin but my hard work into BitShares.

BitShares has now introduced me to a new project called MilkBox that will aid in the search and location of missing people (and pets!). I am proud to be able to lend my services to such an effort.

Then, of course, we come to EOS and we don't have much longer to find out if the hype will live up to its name. I have no reason to doubt that it will blow people away. How did I get here? I don't know what led me, but I'm sure glad that it did.

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That's life for some of us...worries after worries until we realize they're just ghosts. That's when we start working without looking back as you mentioned and see that these great problems that were floating over our heads were nothing more than clouds. And we all know clouds are not to stay in one place.
Gave you follow not only for this kind of philosophy, but to see some fishing pictures also. I fish from time to time so I'm hooked...

The sign on the door says, Fishermen Welcome! Haha. We gotta stick together man!
Yea that's cool you stopped by. I'm down to talk some fishing anytime. Pick up a few tips, share a trick or two.

I seen quite a few bitch session articles last night and couldn't think of what to write about, so I chose this topic. I couldn't agree with your words more. Life's a wasting on by when we worry. Followed you back. :)

Thanks for your reply! Keep in touch.

I got problem of worrying things that hasn't happen yet. People said I am a worrier... I kept reminding myself so long as I have done my part I need not too worry to much and leave everything to the Higher Power and things will fall into places.
By the way (side track), is this the article that got wiped out/erased?

Hey there Zest! This is a brand new squeeky clean original post. Haha. I'll never remember the other one. I was smart about how I did it this time. :)

Worry while you work? I don't think that's how the song goes. 😉

Nice content. Lot of hard work.

Not too much. Took about an hour and a half.


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