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RE: Was The Moon Landing Fake? Of Course It Was.

in #life7 years ago

My Grandfather first told me of this when I was about 10-11 years old (30 plus years ago, who's counting?!) I kinda always knew it, but still bought the BS growing up until later in life I started doing my own homework. It's just so laughable. It's like watching early episodes of "lost in space" the technology is just amusing to watch. It took me a long time to wake up, but at least I did. The clues have been there for years, most of us just took our time to see them.

Jim Carrey tried to warn us in The Truman Show, & Jay Weidner puts Stanley Kubrick's jigsaw together in Kubrick's Odyssey. Jeff, thanks for being topical and ruffling feathers. The waking up process is like losing a loved one. You go through denial, anger, sadness then acceptance. Keep bringing this to your followers, there's still a lot more work to do.

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