The Feeble & FaintHearted : The Sanest Thing To Do During The Back-To-Back Bears!--Important Read!!

in #life6 years ago


When people sign up to become an element of the cryptoverse, they perhaps did not read the disclaimer(s). Always read the Disclaimer(s)!!. I can't blame most people though, because they received an half baked gospel; "Throw your money into crypto and you would be Lambo-ing when crypto steps on the moon". Yet, I blame you, and I blame the gospel preacher who brought you into the cryptoverse without duly telling you all that happens in here. I blame you, because you should have studied such a market before jumping in. Even @immortal-tongue too..

In business, there are always risks attached, although I am sometime very reluctant in terming some of the crypto practices such as Hodling and flipping as Business, but they are indeed business. The cryptoverse is just another market place, and like most market places, there are risk, volatility, liquidity and failure involved. As a matter of fact, the Cryptoverse is one of the riskiest market presently. This very part was supposed to be part and parcel of the gospel you accepted before becoming a crypto element. Well, Lets get back to the discussion at hand; The Sanest Thing To Do During The Bears For The Feeble & FaintHearted !!


Don't Kill Yourself Or Those Around You Because Of The Armored Bear

I am no official psychologist, but there are issues that common sense can fix real fast. The feeble and fainthearted mentioned here are those who make themselves miserable because of the back-to-back bear we have experience. These are people who stare at their screens 24/7 waiting and wishing for an up-spike in the market. They have become zombied and enslaved.

They become so miserable to the extent they forget to eat, push love ones aside and completely become a slave of the graphs, news and crypto discussions.

Its sad that you had to wake up in the morning to tell your girlfriend "sorry for giving her a bruised face" because something very irrelevant made you angry(all thanks to being fueled by the crypto bear syndrome). I know of an acquaintance who literally took poison because he had lost so much money to bad crypto choices, how sick is that?. Some have reached for the rope and some are as miserable as "Miserable"!. Oh believe me, some reached for the "rope", literally.

As much as I would want to talk about more of these, I won't!. These people mentioned above ain't aliens, they are people like us and I can confidently beat my chest that the crypto back-to-back bears have affected 99.9% of everyone reading this message in one way or the other, @immortal-tongue included!!

The Way Out

I can't get the market to rise, neither can I magically whisper to Bitcoin; Go to $18,000. However, I am here to give you the sanest advice ever if you fall DEEPLY into the category described above; feeble and fainthearted. These tips helped me greatly too. I will only mention the most applicable ones.

1. Agree To Defeat And Move On.

I know, this isn't the advice you were hoping to hear, yet I am giving it. Just conclude that you are done with all the waiting, all the whining, all the "whatever" and the only way out is to cut your loses and move on. Opt out of crypto, what use is your $100,000 futuristic valued Bitcoin if there is no one left to share it with, or at worst, you are already six-feet deep.

Yes! I know what you are about to rant about; "The moon or nothing!". Just shut up and move on. Better luck next time. Just make up your mind and stop ruining your future and tormenting those who care so greatly about you. (This advice is for the feeble and fainthearted).

2. Mute All Crypto Channels, Media And Delete BlockFolio Or Others

If you decided to ignore my first advice, you have another milder choice, uninstall all the likes of BlockFolio, unfollow all the likes of crypto analysis and burn all the online crypto feeds and subscriptions. I did this to a huge extent and it has helped me, and I am not even an outright "feeble - fainthearted" dude.

Click OK and check back 10 days later!!!!!!!!!(10 days here is symbolic for the future)

What Else To Do

Apparently you failed to abide by the advice of "Invest what you are comfortable losing". You are not alone, there is big hope and you can weather the storm.

It is not the end of the world, you need to "Value" your life and that of those around you far more important than your dying crypto investment. This is the time that you need to make the best changes as possible. Spend more time with your family, fiance, friend or whoever, do all those stuff you loved doing before you ever hearken to the crypto gospel. Let crypto be the less important thing in your life.

Even if it is your job to look at the market daily, I advice you change career if your emotions are killing you faster than Aging. Like seriously, you need to figure out a personal tailored solution.

Go to the gym, go for a jog, have cheap dinners, find a better hobby and enjoy life. You don't have two, you've got only one. So don't let the crypto depressive-emotional-outburst warm-black-hole consume you bit by bit.

Convert yourself to the "long term mindset" class of people. This should help greatly if and only if it is chosen genuinely.


Most Important Tip Of Them All

Life is worth more than anything, and feeling great at all time is super hard but not impossible. Change your mindset about crypto and loss(even the market cap is just a perceived value). I will leave with you my priceless motto

Tomorrow isn't born yet, why abort your future with bitter pills of yesterday and today?. Tread carefully but have a carefree breakfast with LIFE!. --@immortal-tongue

All these tips ain't for crypto only, it encompasses all businesses, investment sectors and life.

Life Is Worth More than anything, so make sure you are enjoying every bit of it and staying true to the best version of you that you can be. Let fire pour, let oceans wave, let the world turn into chaos about you, still, be You and find reasons to enjoy Life the best way possible. Breathe from within.

Do you have a tip for the feeble and fainthearted?. Share it in the comment section. It would be of great help even to the not-so-feeble ones.



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