in #life6 years ago (edited)

I hope that 2018 has been a good year for you guys and that 2019 will be much better, that the bad things will cause you to grow as a better person and appreciate life, I don't come to tell you that life is beautiful, it's not beautiful as they always say, for me it's crap but what can be done

It has bad and good things as everyone already knows, what I will say is that what I loved the most this year was music, music gives me so many feelings and there is so much variety of music that everything is so wow

But this year was not the best for me, it was not so bad either, I got to know myself better and I met new people, I left many toxic friends behind and I feel better

It was difficult for me to know that I liked girls that I say isn't wrong, I never thought it only that I felt that they would only treat me badly and in fact not many in my family know it, but it was all a change and a friend to whom I told her, she told me that I had known that I was going to be a lesbian for what it was, just because I liked it and I still like soccer and I never care about makeup and dresses, ridiculous, and was wrong I also like boys

And I feel happier now, I'm less bitter, I'm still bitter but not so much this year I change a lot and I'm the way I am now, and my family is so incredible with me

I hope this 2019 is great for you guys and if you had a bad year, I encourage you, not every year will be bad and you will always learn from the bad things

Life is crap but music is life

It's my opinion

or maybe it's just my life that is crap, I don't know

this pic has nothing to do but no matter it's pretty


I wish u a happy new year anyway and u got an upvote :)

Have a happy new year too

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