Look at her! She ages with grace.

in #life6 years ago

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her busband also, he praises her: Many women do noble things but you surpass them all. ~Proverbs 31:25-29

We have so much to be grateful for in this life. Each and every day. But reality is that sometimes life demands, struggles and worries give more room to defeat than to a heart of thanks. We forget that amidst our busy life and pressures thrown at us, let us remind ourselves to pause and give thanks, for all that God has done, and continues to do in our lives.

Today, I would like to thank the Lord for the life of my mother, whom I have lived in her womb for nine months, fed by an umbilical cord connecting me to her resources, and immersed in liquid. I was like a fish with a straw. Only the straw was not in my mouth but in my belly.

Throughout my growing up years, though we have been distant apart, your warmth, compassion and hardwork are greatly appreciated. You have set a good example of kindness, love and patience. You have sacrificed your time for us in order to provide us more than our basic needs.

Look how fabulous she wears that sophisticated smile and the way she grooms before setting her feet outside the house. I admire the way she poses everytime I take a snap.
She is beautiful, smart, strong, loving, caring and a very good cook. She’s been through a lot in her lifetime ups and downs but she remain STRONG in her faith. She pours all her heart out for her family. Her love is never exhausted. It never changes nor it tires. It endures through all.

We’ve had a lot of hard times, most especially, when I thought that I was already entitled of everything. We mostly don’t agree on certain things like dating and relationships. I remembered I was already past my teenage years, though I have asked permission to go out on a movie date and still you won’t permit me. I never understood the reason behind but still I obeyed with a heavy heart. That time all I could ever think was you never gave your trust. But deep inside my heart I know you only wanted what is best for me and keep me away from harm.

She is also one of the recognized filipino teacher here in Abu Dhabi which by the way I am so proud of. She is excellent in teaching the kids below 5 years old to read and write. I believe it is one of her talent I admire most. Imagine how she manages to teach the kids at this age who mostly have a short attention span.
Now that I am a mother myself, I fully understand the no scheduled break times/lunch times, no benefits 24/7 365 days of work you did as a mom. And I am very glad that my son will be able to experience your unconditional love.

And today as you celebrate your nth birthday, I pray that God will continue to give you strength and happiness! Happy Birthday my fashionista mama!

all photos are taken by me using my d90


Happy birthday Mama!

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Happy Birthday Mama😍😘

Happy birthday Mama! 💕

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