Idea economy Steemit

in #life8 years ago

Today I want to share with you another one of my visions for Steemit as well as one method for coming up with some good ideas.

So a while back I thought about what to do with all the ideas I come up with. I figured that if I got some, in my opinion, amazing ideas what about all the other people? There’s got to be billions of ideas worth exploring and going after that nobody makes use of.

What a waste I thought to myself. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have some kind of platform, a network, that incentivizes people to share their ideas? Their “secrets”, that they will try to execute on some magic day in the future that, let’s be honest, never comes. Holding on to those ideas is not the smartest thing to do but most people aren’t willing to just go on the internet and write their precious ideas down for everybody to see them and if they want to, give them a shot. Let’s be honest you’re probably not the first person to come up with this idea anyway but let’s move on.

Network for people sharing their idea while receiving some benefit

So in my head there was this concept of a people posting their ideas, a community deciding which of those ideas are the ones to most reasonably pursue and then give the party that came up with the idea some benefit. Maybe a small percentage of the future company that might be founded or just straight up by the idea from them.

However, how would you insure people don’t just take the idea and use it? Could there be some heavy legal work involved that makes ideas on the platform untouchable? Hm kind of nonsense… Do you charge people a monthly fee to see the ideas? But then how do you get people to vote… At some point I decided to postpone further consideration.

Now with Steemit I realize that Steemit does have a lot of those factors. You got an overflow of ideas, an incentive to share them, good ideas are measured by the curation they receive so you don’t have to look through thousands of potential ideas, and you hopefully have some ambitious individuals to actually put in the time and execute those ideas.

The ideas don’t have to be limited to business, that’s just what I came up with when I read that there’s a lot of money being spent on R&D with little to no improvement over all, for some. Big companies need ideas from their customers and then it just followed that idea sharing on that level would present some kind of opportunity.

All that’s left is for people who either don’t have the time or aren’t willing to put in the time to pursue such projects, to share their ideas with the Steemit community. Ideas ranging from small problems they face in their day to day life, things they wish would exist to make something easier for a group of people. Maybe niche specific stuff that others won’t be able to notice but who still could come up with a solution. You get the idea.

Hopefully we will see some great ideas and maybe even have products or companies in the future that were created because of Steemit thought sharing.

Oh now I almost forgot to share the idea generating process with you.

There is a method called trend-stacking one can use to come up with quite some useful stuff. If you check out the picture below and combine some of those trends you will surely come up with ideas that already have been turned into big companies. The good thing is, anybody could come up with those concepts. Usually you would combine between 3 and 4 to come up with some amazing ideas.

Now I’m sure you can come up with some more trends and I probably missed some but the point is clear.

Make the most of it and I’m excited to read some of your ideas. :D

Stay awesome!


I like the comment of sharing ideas and still receiving some benefit. Great point!

Thank you! :D Steemit seems to have endless facets.

Hi @Ikigai you might be glad to know I included your post in my curated library post. It is my attempt to keep older content relevant!

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